Cluttering and decluttering | Quarantine day's works and thoughts!

Cluttering and decluttering are always necessary for our life, not just for our household!

This pandemic comes with lots of stress, anxiety, and a lot of negative feelings. It's really necessary to find ways to feel good, make our time for the better, and use the time for something productive. Staying at home was our dream but this long stay home seems like we are in imprisonment.

So, I start to clutter and declutter my closet!


It was a must needed thing. I had so many unnecessary accessories and wears in my closet. I realized it long before that I need to get rid of them. Not only they are taking the space aways but they always make me feel stressed. Because some of the clothes are old, faded aways, some don't even fit me anymore. These cloths can make someone else happy! And not only clothes but I also had so many unnecessary things in my closet, like bags, socks, headscarves, hijabs and more; which I didn't use in many years. Getting rid of them and organizing my closet was so satisfying!

Everything is on the floor!

Trying to organize all my Sharees and Hijabs!

I have to work on many things!

Don't forget to clutter and declutter your life. From your social media to your real-life friend list, from your 'idea and thoughts' to your values everything must go through this process. This may sound odd but it's actually necessary for life. We should allow ourselves to cross-check what we are believing in, what we need to change, if there's anything which we don't need anymore in our lives, if there's anything which we need to add. This process can help us to have an organized life.

At least that's what I believe. I would love to know what do you think about this? Also, you can share with me if you have spent time cluttering and decluttering your closet too and how did you do that. I have a plan to write more on 'how I decluttered my mindset' in detail someday.

You know, growing in a very conservative Muslim family game me a different idea and understanding of life, culture, and everything. I learned that there's nothing 'less' to show openness towards the world. I still maintain my religion in every part of my life and I will. But the thing is, there's a common misconception that 'we' can't show our openness of mind and knowledge in these ways, which is wrong, I believe. I will talk about it another day.


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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Ami to every season e declutter kori, declutter na krle sole bujhai jai na j amr koto kapor ase. because bahore jaoyr somoy ami kapor khuje paina... :D

I don't get time to do all this. After a while, I've done this and it feels refreshing.
Thanks :)