The story of 'Terracotta' | An indigenous part of our culture!

Back in the '80s and '90s, it was hard to find any household that didn't have at least one terracotta as a wall hanging. But now everything changes. People are more into modern minimalist art nowadays.

We know there are thousands of reasons for the extinction of different indigenous things from any culture. But I always appreciate who cherishes them, come into saving them.

A bird family

There is a local popular organization that works to save many cultural things, they made so many different things related to our culture, I feel really amazed. And terracotta is one of them. You will find terracotta wall hanging, pots, tiles, showpieces, and what not!

Every terracotta has a story. Sometimes it's just a character but most of the time you will get to see a whole story curved inside it. Back then, people used to tell their own story by using their medium of art. Also, from different building structures like a temple or mosque to anything else we used to get to see terracotta work.


These terracottas remind me of my childhood. People used to make their own wall hanging to tell their own story. There are thousands of things that go on in this small frame. Oh, I've seen so many beautiful terracottas but now we can't get to see this in households. There are also different terracotta which is linked to different religions. Like curving the name of the god or any sign or so.

I'm shifting my living place and packing everything. These terracottas made me a little nostalgic and I feel the urge to share with you!


Much Love

Who I am?
I'm a Happy and Proud stay home Mom of a toddler boy.
I'm a life & nature enthusiast, I love to learn human psychology, I'm a 'Book worm' and very introvert but also love to travel. I'm trying to live mindfully and most importantly, I'm a positive learner.

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Wow it looks really very amazing😊 Thanks a lot for sharing.

Isn't it? Though people these days don't like this medium of art that much.
Thanks for taking your time to go through my post 😊😊

yes is it really, it is beautiful indeed there is no dought in that