Rocket Fuel Coffee Morning Ramble- Guilty Pleasures

Good Morning All You Lovely Hivers!


This morning is again a peaceful calm day. Well here at the dive shop at least. It was full of the sounds of screaming little twats in the water at 5:30am outside my house at the dive shop it is. Enjoyable it is too.


I'm not normally a breakfast guy as I tend to do intermittent fasting on a 16-8 cycle but today i am literally breaking the fast to indulge in some chocolate croissants that @millycf1976 bought for my. I eat them right out of the fridge and dunked in my coffee. Anyone telling me thats not the way to do it can kiss my backside as its how i love to indulge my guilty pleasure. Well not so much of the guilt but a lot of the pleasure really.


I am sure we all have our guilty food pleasures, little things and ways to eat we know people think isn't right but haha who gives a fuck right? Enjoy yourself and do it your way. Why the hell not?


We could apply this rule to many things i think, as long as it's not hurting anyone then whats the problem. Ahh except for pinapple on pizzas that really should be a stoning offence. Death is too good for people who put pineapple on a pizza.


The chocolate croissants went down a little too well, I should have brought more with me. I love the cold chocolate and the warm coffee mixing, mmmmm sooo good. Ah well just have to settle for more coffee for now.


Today should be relatively easy, just 2 new divemaster candidates starting and nothing else on. We seem to be doing a lot of Divemaster courses as I think people want to come out of the quarantine situation having achieved something and this i think is a good attitude to have. Of course it also helps us out a great deal in the process. Weirdly this year we will have done more divemaster courses than in any year previous as our usual customer is here on average 3 days only and hasn't the time to do it. Thats not the case at the moment.


I had some nice feedback on the photos yesterday so I'm staying with the mix of black and white and colour for a while. All feedback is always welcome


ok I best get started as the instructor and Divemaster candidates are due in any moment.

Stay safe out there people wherever you may be on the planet, take care





What a scene

nice place to relax and drink coffee in the morning thats for sure

You continue to amaze my friend.
Well done!

Thanks Jerry. How are you getting on?

I've been told by my new Dr that I no longer need to isolate.
I suppose if I were tested, I'd still be positive, but he
Said that so long in isolation with no symptoms
means I am no longer any threat to anyone.
I don't know about that ha ha; I can be
threatening if I Should decide to
be threatening

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:) thats really cool nice i appreciate that

I agree with the feedback. I lean towards the color. The underwater stuff was breathtaking. A dive is on my bucket list. If it ever happens, it would be a trip to your turf.

sounds good bro. When they get all this snite sorted out. Killing tourism. Glad we have some peeps captive here