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RE: Content stinge in a world of binge

The more money I make on recent posts, the more I feel obligated to put out new content even if only to earn funds I'm going to wind up donating ultimately.

This brings to mind an interesting thing with the donation. For some, it is better to donate the money they will earn, rather than their time helping. People see it as avoiding the work, but it could do more good. If I earn 100€ an hour and donate that, it could for example pay for 5 workers to do the job i would do. 5 donated hours rather than the 1 I could perform... of topic i know :D

I understand the changes in thinking, but as a creator, wouldn't I create something anyway? :) Well, now I would and I don't think I will ever stop in my life again - Even without Hive.


To me it's a question of creating what and where. I have a lot of creative stuff going on. I'm creating organizations, workshops, interviews, summits and helping folks who are doing this and more be more successful with what they're doing. So I have to have a reason to step away from that creative expression to write for a different audience that isn't connected with any of that. So the amount of money I make doing it really does seem to be the deciding factor. I say that not to say I think it should/would be, but simply observing my past behavior and noting patterns.

So the amount of money I make doing it really does seem to be the deciding factor.

Maybe it is a space where you can create more for yourself than others?