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RE: Surviving summer — jumping into June

in The LIFESTYLE LOUNGE4 years ago (edited)

Your whole paragraph "Focusing on what is in front of us", I agree with. Our energy and prayers should be in doing positive things, loving our family and friends and any people we encounter. Using a lot of breathe and time talking about what is wrong and what was done in the past is exhausting and pointless.

One of my goals is to add on to my knowledge of Spanish this summber - reading/writing it and putting sentences together. I'm hoping to be good enough at this to tutor students in beginning Spanish. I also want to become adept at speaking Spanish with native Spanish speakers. I'm trying to figure out the rest of my goals for this year...


That is a great goal; I'm sure you will reach new heights in your Spanish skills with consistent practice and applying what you learn to real-life conversation! Watching TV programs and movies in Spanish is also a great way to get used to understanding different accents and being able to comprehend at the rapid-fire pace people speak :-)