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RE: My Thoughts on Hive of Late, by @jayna

Hi @jayna,

I meant to comment on this before the voting cycle expired on this post... But things have been busier than they normally are over here and I missed it.

I found your words insightful, genuine, and something I think many people can identify with (I know that I did...) as this pandemic continues on.

Thank you for sharing from your heart.

For what it's worth... I'm glad that your being open with the community. We do care and in small ways I hope that we are able to continue to encourage each other during these very difficult times.



Thanks, @wil.metcalfe. I'm glad the post resonated with you. I think we all just need to give each other some slack and understand that everyone has a kind of shackle around their proverbial ankle right now. Hopefully we will start to see some lift in the general malaise and we will all be in a better place soon!

Yeah... That's very true. When life's difficult the last thing we all need is for our fellow human beings to treat each other poorly. Cutting everybody some slack is an absolute must!

As for the shackle... Together we can free each other from the malaise and lift our spirits. A rising tide raises all ships... and Where you focus... That's where your future shows up! 🌞

Thank you for those philosophical thoughts, @wil.metcalfe. I agree about lifting one another’s spirits. I already see the beginning of that as people start feeling hopeful again, with a New Year right around the corner, and a vaccine on the horizon.