
We're lucky here, a diverse population means foods from all over. The quality is generally very good, There's bad too of course but generally its good. One of the advantages of multiculturalism.

I can agree to that, as there's loads of variety in Malaysia's foodie circles, too. Usually foreign stuff isn't always the best, such as Western foods. Although having a large Malay, Chinese, and Indian community means there's loads of those to go around, and sometimes a fusion of them.

I believe the most common is perhaps Mamak food, which is Malay-Indian-Muslim combo. Mamak restaurants here are quite the social place to hang out any time of day, and even way past midnight, sort of like a pub, in a sense.

I'm going to a Mamak restaurant when I'm up there next. Looks good!

Find the right Mamak restaurant, and I promise you, your taste glands will be blown away! It's similar to an Indian cuisine, but with a bit of Malay to it. Be careful though, those Mamak places really overdo it with the grease sometimes.

Ah ok, well I'll have to find a good one.

Google is your best friend, so keep on hunting. That said, given how many Mamak places there are, it might not at all be inconvenient to divert from one to the other. It's like trying to find a pub in the UK... So long as there's civilisation around, there's going to be at least one pub for each person alive 😆

 4 years ago (edited) 

Haha, yeah a lot of pubs in England for sure!

You know, the country town I grew up in had a population of well under 10,000 people in the late 1970's, that's in the greater areas too, the small surrounding little places...16 pubs though. Curiously there were more churches than pubs too! Lol.