
I added roughly one scoop of soil and one scoop of low-grade biochar per poop. Then at the top of the bucket (once it was full) I covered it with ash (as an extra measure against flies) and put the bucket lid on. I stored all the buckets in a camping tent (located in the shade) and did not open them again for three years. They might have been finished much earlier but I did not check them to see.

Good to know!! Ultimately we plan to do a double composting toilet and one day an incinerating toilet if they ever become more accesable. But in the mean time I will be collecting buckets with lids to give this a try! Thanks for the guidance!!

Yep. The double composting toilet is a good setup. I like the incinerating toilets also and may wind up having to do one at my new place.

What I did with the buckets (and the tent they were in) was to put it all about thirty feet from my chicken coop to help keep the wildlife away. If the urine is kept out of them and sufficient cover material is used the odor from the buckets is not bad and fades rather rapidly but the animals can always smell it.