The Flicker Haven Farm Files-All Out On The Ides Of March!

in Homesteading2 months ago


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Today may be the day of Julius Caeser's demise, but here a few thousand years later it is a more sedate and less deadly affair.

What am I blathering on about? Well, today the sun is out! And not only that, it's actually quite warm! SQUEE!

So of course I took an extra bit of a meander around the farm to see what is emerging, and boy it doesn't take long for things to pop out.


The garlic is peeking its green tips through the straw mulch, which made me especially excited this morning. In just a few months time I will be noshing on garlic scape pesto and plunking sliced, roasted cloves of pungent amazingness onto some wood fire pizza. YUM!


As always, I was heavily supervised as I conducted my sight engaging mission, and the local authorities tried to stop me from taking pictures of the scenery. Sheesh...

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On the way back to the house I took a glance at the lilac and bulb bed and noticed that the crocus are beginning to emerge, so with our unseasonable 60+ degree temps the next couple days I am sure I will have some pretty purple beauty to take in.


Upon arriving back at the house, I got back to work prepping pies for our annual Pi Day Pie Day event with some dear friends. Yes, Pi day was yesterday, but we all decided to celebrate it on the weekend, you know, because of adulting. I am super excited to make a post about pie day as I made a whole bunch of new recipes this year. The house smells amazing right meow.


Today's also been a little bit extra because I currently don't have hot water. Apparently the gauge on my propane tank went faulty sometime over the last couple of months. We only fill our tank once a year as it's only use is for the on demand hot water heater. It was at 25% on the gauge so I wasn't too stressed as we usually fill it up in May. However, we lost all pressure yesterday and yep, after some percussive maintenance on the gauge, it's actually much lower than 25%.

And the propane people won't be here until Wednesday.

Good thing we have the 1%er trailer, eh?😉

So, like the sometimes resilient Kat that I am, I boiled a pot of water to wash dishes and my hair with yesterday. Today, I had more water heated for the dishes that needed handwashing. Thankfully, my dishwasher is a super cool Bosch and it heats it's own water, and just a bit ago I put on my robe, grabbed a towel, and flip flopped across the yard to the trailer to shower. Adaptation sensation my friends!

Plus, it was kinda fun mixing it up a bit!

And now I am going to bolt, because it is far too nice to be inside and I have an entire winter of pine needles, branches, and nature's detritus to rake up off of my yard...

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And as most of the time, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's not capable of growing like rhubarb and garlic iPhone. The text divider image was made in Canva.


You have much the same set up as I do, except I have 2 on demand water heaters, one of which doesn't require power to work, just gas. I also have a big tank filled once a year, but in October. And I also have a Bosch dishwasher. :))

Good thing you have the trailer for showers...

My water heater is a Bosch too! It doesn't need electricity to run either and now my tank is filled for another year 🤣

I don’t usually get caught like that, but after a months of illness I swear I’m playing catch up…

Hope you’re enjoying some lovely spring weather!

If yours is the same model as mine, the plumber insisted that they couldn't find spare parts for it... I haven't tried, as push hasn't come to shove...

The Pi day was very much celebrated here and it was fun. Please how does he dishwasher work?
I’m wondering how it will be able to wash a plate that even has crazy stains stuck on it

Hi! I've been away for a few days lol! The dishwasher has its own heating element and sprayers so no food is ever stuck on the plates ☺️

Ah yes, the omnipresent supervisors. Clarence has been pleased to have us outside more. I am convinced he wants to be outside, but keeps coming in to check up on us. If we go outside and hang out with him in the great outdoors, he is happier. At least, that's how I'm interpreting the whole situation.

I didn't plant garlic last fall because I was busy tending to my injured husband, and I needed to find a different place to plant it than last year, which was more than my brain could tackle at the time. I guess I need more raised beds, so I can rotate crops among them. If I just stick garlic into the open ground, it's too likely to get destroyed by the Mad Tiller.

 2 months ago  Reveal Comment