The Big Garden - June 11, 2022@goldenoakfarm

in Homesteading2 years ago

Big garden - finished crop June 2022.jpg

On Saturday morning, after another bad night, I sent my backup helper out to the Big garden to do weeding and touch up mulching at 8AM. I finally followed her at 9AM and weeded and mulched 2 bean rows, part of a garlic row, the parsley, and an onion row. I had to quit after a couple hours, but she worked until noon.

Big garden - parsnips up crop June 2022.jpg

The first thing she did was remove all the grass from the north perimeter. Then she set about weeding to find the parsnips that had come up, thinning them as she found them.

Big garden - lacinato kale crop June 2022.jpg

She got the beets weeded and the kale.

Big garden - peas and brocolli crop June 2022.jpg

She got both rows of peas done and the rest of the eastern perimeter. I had done the southern end of it. That's the broccoli in the middle.

Big garden - horseradish and rhubarb crop June 2022.jpg

This is the horseradish in front of the rhubarb. Next to it, I had gotten the comfrey back behind the support strings.

Bee on mock orange crop June 202.jpg

I tried for a decent shot of this bee on the mock orange in the New East garden, but this was the best I got.

New East - linaria flowers crop June 2022.jpg

In the New East garden the linaria are doing well. I got them weeded, if none of the rest of the garden.

New East - species spiderwort flower crop June 2022.jpg

The species spiderwort had its first flower. It's actually a very deep dark blue but came out this purple color.

Strawberry moon crop June 2022.jpg

The Strawberry moon is nearly full

On Sunday I have to get out early and start the mowing. I hope I have a good night as I have to push the trim mower this time. My backup helper is here at 8AM and she will be finishing the Big garden. We will both be racing the coming rain at noon. In the afternoon I have to get laundry done as on Monday I am finishing washing windows.


It is indeed a big garden, love the crops too. Good evening from the Philippines!

"Racing the Rain" -- yep. That's what we're doing here.
The weather here in the PacNorWest is cruddy for this time of year. We've had more rain this year than the last ten Junes combined.
I need to do some research regarding how this is going to affect the garden over all. The veggies are getting far too much water.
Soggy veggies are no fun. 🙁

I should have taken a look at this post first, then I would have known what was hidden under all of that hay.
When you plant your seeds, do you allow them to first sprout before filling in the rows with hay.
I can't imagine the seeds being able to germinate and then find their way through the hay with it being so thick.

You sure do have a beautiful place!

I very seldom plant seeds direct as the sandy loam dries too fast for germination and growth. The exception are tap root plants like carrots and parsnips. Hence the carrot boards, it held enough moisture that I got great germination this year. I should have put the boards on the parsnips and they would have come up faster.

Both were mulched when planted. Everything else except beans was started inside. I allow a 4" gap for the row in the mulch. It's enough to let light in but keeps the weeds down.

Thanks for the detailed explanation, very helpful.