Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1263)

in Homesteading2 months ago

Hello Everyone!

More bizarre dreams, Washing more lumber, Scrapping old laptops, Haircut time & Doing the stuff shuffle!

Alright, I am running about eighteen minutes behind schedule... because I got a bit caught up taking care of some correspondences in regards to the move. I had quite literally almost started writing when the text messaging started... so technically I was 'on time' and it simply got delayed a wee bit!

Last night I drifted off to sleep around the same time that I did the night before... and once again had some rather bizarre dreams... but this time they were not about the new place. I gotta admit that my dreams have been rather intense lately... and given the amount of stress (and pressure) that I am feeling that is no big surprise.

Somehow I managed to wake up rather early but I did not put a whole lot of effort into doing my Hive engagement routine... before moving on to doing stuff outdoors. Honestly, my mornings are beginning to be a blur to me by the time that I start making these entries in the evening... and it often seems like my memories of them are foggy at best.

After all that jazz, I dove straightaway into getting more of that lumber washed with bleach water... to get as much of the vermin waste removed (or just sterilized) before painting it. This time around I had to dig through the lumber pile quite a lot to find boards that were not eaten up by the bugs... but eventually I got four more boards hauled to the 'washing area' and scrubbed down.

Later in the day I wound up getting the lumber that I last painted moved to the bottom of the saw horses... moved those four newly cleaned boards to the top of the horses... and then got even more lumber hauled over to the washing area. If all goes well the weather will continue being sunny... and I will be able to get all of that lumber painted either tomorrow or the following day.

At some point this afternoon I also sorted through some stuff... and got all my old junk laptops together for my scrap metal pile. Previously I had not considered scrapping them... but after doing some reading online they also have some value as scrap metal... so I figured what the heck I may as well add them to the pile instead of continuing to lug them around with me!

Okay, this is kind of out of sequence... but very early in the day I realized that there was no hot water... and after investigating further I discovered that both the big propane tanks (for the on demand water heater) were empty. Since I did not want to use any of my own propane... I hauled the wagon across the property to the 'communal area' where there are some propane tanks for cooking purposes stored at.

Long story short, I was concerned that pulling the wagon around would agitate my leg injury... but thankfully that was not the case. It was a bit wonky connecting the small propane tank to the water heater's gas hose... but in the end I put a tote under it... and hung the tank off of one of the hooks that hold the chains used to secure the larger tanks.

The main reason that I wanted the hot water so badly (aside from being long overdue for a bath) was because early in the day I shaved all my hair off... and trimmed up my beard... which of course left me covered in hair. I have no idea when the last time was that I cut my hair that short... but every time that I start from scratch in the woods I wind up dealing with a lot of ticks... and this time I did not want my hair getting in the way of finding them.

Anyways, it was quite the productive day because I was also able to catch up on some of my routines chores... as well as getting some clothes washed that I had totally forgotten about putting in a bucket of bleach water to soak last week. With everything that I have going on... I am admittedly more than a bit scatter brained... and trying to juggle my routine chores (that always need done) along with doing all the cleaning and packing... has been quite the struggle.

At this point I still have a heck of a lot left to do... and need to start making some major progress in regards to packing things down... and getting it all somehow stored away before the move. If I had not 'bled out' all the money that I could stand to (in order to be prepared for my next adventure) I would probably be looking at finding another big tent at this point... just to use for staging things in before moving day.

My big concern with it all is the weather is looking quite rainy throughout the month of May... and I may have to bite the proverbial bullet and not take the shop tent down until the moving truck is already onsite. I know that it does not seem like much of a task to do... but whoa that tent is quite involving and it will take at least a few hours to get it dismantled... which yeah is time that I would rather spend packing the truck and securing the load.

Well, I think that is about it for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

I could not fit them all in the picture but the reishi mushrooms are popping up like crazy around this cherry tree stump!

Thanks for reading!

Please check out the Homesteading Community!

Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


Saw this when @wesphilbin gave me a mention. Enjoyed reading it. I think we all have a pioneer homesteader spirit inside somewhere. I know i do. Maybe one day. !LUV

jacobpeacock, crrdlx sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/3) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.


Move is getting close now! 😶 Also cool looking mushrooms.

!LUV (Need to figure out how to send other tokens eventually) 😅

Yep! It is getting down to the wire with the move!!!

Reishis are super cool looking mushrooms at every stage of their growth.

I am unsure which all tokens support it but you just use the exclamation mark before its name just like with the !LUV tokens. I always enjoy seeing your 'luv' in a comment! 🏹🏹🏹🔥🪚

Yeah! Would love to learn how to grow some mushrooms someday.😁👻

😅😅I know the that part, just as far as I'm aware you need to have enough of some of the tokens to send them, some you need to buy... brain isn't working today, can't remember the exact details. Will have to ask the Hive WhatsApp group 😅 or just do some research.

Hehe at least it is something! Sort of like the idea of random throwing some luv around. 🤣🏹🏹👻🔫☕️

Those mushrooms keep popping up on their own each year but reishis are one of the types that folks tend to grow.

That sounds about right on the tokens. A few places that you can manage and buy/sell tokens are https://beeswap.dcity.io/wallet and https://tribaldex.com/

Yup! For me it is definitely the 'throwing some luv around' part that tickles me! The world always needs more of it. 🏹🏹🏹😀😍

Thanks! I'll have a look! Maybe there are more tokens I can be throwing around 😁😁

Couldn't agree more! Love and good vibes all the way. 🏹🏹🏹🔫👻 also coffee... because coffee is basically love 🤣🤣 (Bit sleep deprived and random today, don't mind me, haha)

Have a peek'see on the following link, dear soul


Thank you! ⭐️



hellsveiah, jacobpeacock sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.

jacobpeacock, hellsveiah sent you LUV. 🙂 (1/1) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

Made with LUV by crrdlx.


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