Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1269)

Hello Everyone!

A good night's rest, An early morning correspondence, The storage dilemma, Not quite a driveway & Having a productive day!

Alright, I am running about forty-one minutes behind schedule with my writing routine this evening due to taking a late day nap... and once again scrambling around just before dark to get my late day chores done. As much as I love squeezing those naps in... I really should stop peaking out the window (when I periodically wake during them) to see if I have the barest amount of sunlight left to the day to get everything done.

Last night I somehow managed to fall asleep relatively early... but still wound up sleeping in until a few hours after sunrise. Once I was up for the day, I cut my Hive engagement routine short... and had that phone call with my friend that I did not get to have last night.

After talking to him for a bit (and picking his brain about the land) I pretty much came to the conclusion that if I can get the shed company to put the shed on that larger flat spot without any hassle... then I should do it. If for some reason they cannot easily get the shed in there (which honestly I have my doubts about them being able to do) then I need to just postpone the shed altogether... and come up with a different solution.

To be clear here I am mainly trying to have some kind of storage space available for when I arrive there... so that unloading the moving truck and trailer is not a complete fiasco. Previously, I mentioned perhaps using my carport tent (instead of the shed) to unload into... but it takes six hours for one person to set it up and three hours for two people... and given that we have a long drive that day... setting up that tent would take the rest of the day to finish.

Given that I tend to like having backup plans... and occasionally backup plans for my backup plans... I have been mulling over the possibility of just using my camping tents to unload into... because they are all relatively easy to setup. I definitely have mixed feelings over doing that (for all kinds of practical reasons) but when it comes down to it I could always setup the carport tent the following day... and look at getting a shed delivered not long afterwards.

I know that it all seems convoluted when it comes to unloading the moving truck... and having onsite storage... because it is convoluted! The thing is that the place lacks a real driveway... and the driveway that exists (on that side of the property) is narrow, steep and inaccessible via anything except a four-wheel drive or small recreational vehicle.

Since putting in a 'real' driveway would be a really bad idea without me being there to look at the terrain... and seeing where a driveway would work best at... I do not want to even consider getting someone in there with heavy equipment (and gravel) and potentially muck everything up both literally and figuratively. When it comes right down to it... the way that land is shaped and situated presents a heck of a lot of challenges... and if I want to avoid creating long-term problems (and excess road/driveway maintenance) for myself later on... I need to do it all right the first time.

Thankfully, the power company has laid down some gravel in the power line easement that terminates about twenty feet off my property line... and my friend (that just visited there) said that the neighbor indicated that it was okay for me to use it for deliveries. All of which is good... but it does not quite get me onto the property quite enough to make the unloading of the moving truck all that straightforward.

I did consider trying to find someone in that area to visit there and drop some crusher run (or road bond) at the end of the power company's gravel road... but I am unsure on if they left that area uncovered for a reason or not... and do not want to cause a hassle for them. Basically, they might have left that portion of land without gravel because it is where they are going to trench in the power line... but honestly I am unsure if they are going above or below ground with the installation... so who knows!

For the most part I do not want to interfere with whatever it is the power company is up to with all of that... and for all I know they might be planning on dumping more gravel down (and extending the road) over the coming weeks. I should probably call them to get a status report with the electric installation... but given that they are already making moves on it all... I am loathe to seem like I am either impatient or pestering them to get it done faster.

Anyways, the weather finally cleared up today and I got several hours in outside scrubbing down more containers with bleach water... and catching up on some routine chores. As far as 'cleaning things up' goes... I am finally getting down to just having to make a few more loads with the wagon (from that other tent) and I will pretty much have everything relocated to the shelter site... and be able to clean the remainder up in short order.

Getting everything to the point that I have has been a tremendous undertaking... and although I still have a ton of actual packing to do... I at least have things cleaned up and sorted rather well. I still have a lot of misgivings about how I am going to stage everything before moving day arrives... but as I am fond of saying: I will burn that bridge when I get to it!

This entire process has been pretty cathartic because it has forced me to sort through all my belongings... and get things in order better than I have had them in many years. Starting over at place after place the last many years has assuredly lead to having entire containers of stuff that I have not so much even peaked into... and also things being quite mixed up to boot... so yeah getting things in order has been nice.

What I have not enjoyed about all of it (aside from dealing with rodent waste) is all the slacking that I have done to maintain the dog yard, get the vegetation cut back, keeping the compost in order... and numerous other activities that I generally enjoy doing this time of year. I also have stuff that I am cleaning sprawled all over the place at this point... which yeah really messes with how I like things outdoors to be neat and tidy.

Well, I think that is all the words that I have in me for this entry. I hope that everyone is doing well. Ta ta for now.

It was a pretty sunset!

Thanks for reading!

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Cheers! & Hive On!

All content found in this post is mine!


Will the guy who is moving you let you send either tarps or plastic to his place in case you have to leave things out until you get the shed? This will help by not taking up space in the moving truck.

It is good your friend talked to your neighbor, he seems like a nice fellow.

Good idea to call the electric company and find out what you can do about the easement or what their plans are. I would think they will need it wider to get their trucks down it.

I understand the stress you have but I believe it will all work out for you, there might be some bumps in the road but you will get it figured out.

Having room in the moving truck is not a problem especially since I am also renting a utility trailer. I will most likely get some plastic and/or more tarps before I leave.

Yeah the neighbor seems friendly enough.

The power line easement is fully cleared of brush and is like a hundred and fifty feet wide. The new gravel road starts in the center of it and curves towards my property. They already have plenty of room for their trucks.

Yeah it is super stressful and not as simple as just pulling up on a flat piece of ground and unloading everything. We will see how it all works out but until then... it is one hell of a long row to hoe!