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RE: Apocalyptic Homesteading (Day 1269)

in Homesteadinglast month

Will the guy who is moving you let you send either tarps or plastic to his place in case you have to leave things out until you get the shed? This will help by not taking up space in the moving truck.

It is good your friend talked to your neighbor, he seems like a nice fellow.

Good idea to call the electric company and find out what you can do about the easement or what their plans are. I would think they will need it wider to get their trucks down it.

I understand the stress you have but I believe it will all work out for you, there might be some bumps in the road but you will get it figured out.


Having room in the moving truck is not a problem especially since I am also renting a utility trailer. I will most likely get some plastic and/or more tarps before I leave.

Yeah the neighbor seems friendly enough.

The power line easement is fully cleared of brush and is like a hundred and fifty feet wide. The new gravel road starts in the center of it and curves towards my property. They already have plenty of room for their trucks.

Yeah it is super stressful and not as simple as just pulling up on a flat piece of ground and unloading everything. We will see how it all works out but until then... it is one hell of a long row to hoe!