
Yes …

Lots of possible Wildlife here …

New Hampshire’s forests and mountain areas are home to coyotes, bobcats, red foxes, gray foxes, and wolves. These nocturnal predators hunt white-tail deer, rabbits, mice, and other small wild critters. Black bears and moose also live in the forests.

There are many small wild mammals in New Hampshire’s hills and forests. It is common to see snowshoe hares, southern bog lemmings, northern bog lemmings, American martens, and smoky shrews. You will see common small wild creatures like raccoons, opossums, and skunks, but you’ll also spot some strange creatures like porcupines, southern flying squirrels, and fishers.


That's quite allot of them
But aren't they a threat to humans around?

Maybe. But good for food also

I like that mindset 😁😁✌️