Already Prepping for 2024?

in Homesteading9 months ago

This should be amazing!

It's been super hot here in the Ozarks, and working outside during the day is brutal. But, options are limited and the show must go on. In this video, I tease an exciting upcoming event and we get to work making our garden better for next year, 2024. Yup, we're preparing the future here at the Abundant Harvest Homestead and we're excited about what'll happen next. Enjoy the show!

Already Prepping for 2024? - VIDEO

Until next time…

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You've got the best work crew! That should be a right sturdy trellis! I just love seeing the whole family together at the end. Mama're having too much fun there lol.

Thanks so much for the video. I am sorry but I have been without a computer for at least 7 months. Good to be back! Blessings.