God's requirements are reasonable


The church of God consists of large and small vessels. The Lord does not demand anything unreasonable from us. You don't want small boats to do the work of large ones.

God expects fruits according to what a person is endowed with, and not according to what he does not have.

Do your best, and God will reward your efforts.

Do what is closest to your heart and do it in good faith. Then the Lord will appreciate and accept your work. In your quest to achieve greatness, don't forget the little things.

Don't neglect secret prayer and studying the Word of God. They are his weapon against the one who is trying to block his way to heaven. The first step in neglecting prayer and studying the Bible leads to the second, and the first step on the way to resist the call of the Holy Spirit prepares the second step. In this way, the heart becomes callous and the conscience hardens.

On the other hand, any resistance to temptation facilitates the next resistance. Any resistance to temptation, any self-denial and victory over sin is a seed sown in eternal life. Any selfless act makes us more spiritual. No one can become like Christ without growing in fidelity and nobility at the same time.

"Be careful, don't be discouraged, no matter how bleak the day is, wait for the morning when the changes are better." It is said: "Your peace is in silence and in hope." (Isa. 30.15)

Christ knows the gravity of your temptations and your power to resist them. He extends his tender and compassionate hands to each suffering child.

The Lord appreciates all your efforts to achieve perfection according to the Divine Model. He extends his arms to meet each lost son. Come to Him and tell us about your failures and misdeeds. Ask for strength to win. He will never disappoint you and will never change your confidence.

Do not complain. With your murmur, you make the test worse. Show obedience to God with joy, and you will glorify Him.

"Keep your tongue from evil and your mouth from insidious speeches. Dodge evil and do good, seek peace and follow it. The Lord's eyes are on the righteous, and his ears are on his cry. "

Christ sacrificed everything for man in order to reach heaven. For his part, man must prove what he is willing to sacrifice for Christ to be crowned with the glory of immortality. Those who correctly imagine all the greatness of salvation and its price will never complain about what they have to sow with tears, and that the Christian's fate is constant struggle and self-denial.


In my little understanding, God expect us to have a duty for everyone and that is why he commanded us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves.