Amazing Barnacles On Aceh Beach 🤩 📸

in GOAT.Gang4 years ago (edited)


On this occasion I will share a little story about unique animals that I have found On Aceh Beach ..

What is that?


Well, if you like to travel by ship, then it's no stranger to seeing this kind of sea animal, which is a hard texture like a mollusk shell that likes to stick to dock masts or on the boat / ship itself, a common sight we encounter there. .

What do you think?


The sea animal that clings is known as "TERITIP". Barnacles is a group of crustaceans from the Cirripedia sub class, with shell characteristics. In English, barnacles are known as 'barnacles'.

In the book (Ermaitis 1984), it is explained that barnacles are included in the sedentary marine animals of crustaceans. Barnacle life goes through two stages, namely the larval stage which is planktonic and the adult stage which is attached .

I found this animal on the edge of the beach, the sea waves that carried it made me and my friends approached it and took pictures, One day, I saw it again on the cellphone gallery sheet, I remembered that time, the beautiful and happy time at dawn ..

Hope you can enjoy it :)



• Image Captured : samsung SM-A515F
• object the Image : Barnacles
• Editing App : LR Mobile + Pixel lab
• Location : Aceh, Indonesia

Thanks Very Much :)




Nice post 👍

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