My daily distractions.

in QC Community11 months ago


Hello my great friends in the queercoin community, I have missed you guys alot and am happy that I am back today.

I actually find the weeks topic very interesting as we all have one thing or the other that has been distracting us. Given us an opportunity to identify our problems and helping us bring out the solution by ourselves is a great thing.

Like I earlier said. I have somethings that distract me on daily basis. But for the sake of this prompt I will love to focus on the three major once that I have discovered.

  1. Hanging out with friends
  2. Watching movies
  3. When I am upset

Looking at the three of them, to me they do become a problem for me. But to another person, it might not serve as a distraction. Let me explain them one at a time.

  1. Hanging out with friends: Sometimes when I have something to do already for a moment and I know that I need to do it very urgently. I might be on my way to doing it. If at that point, I get to see a friend who happens to be very special to me, I may decide to live that work for another time. I will just relax with my friend (s) to catch fun.

  2. Watching movies: I love watching movies alot. Especially when it comes to love movies. I can let go anything for love movies. Sometimes I would even refuse to eat just to watch a particular movie and come back to eat later.

  3. When I am upset: I can so get distracted when I am upset that I may not concentrate any more. I can do anything that I have set out to do very well when I am in a happy mood. But the opposite will get the opposite result.


Like I read the post by @chidistickz, he really talked about self discipline. I believe that in all this distraction of mine, self discipline can go a long way.
Secondly, self determination can also help. I believe that if I have determined in my heart that this is what I want to do, nothing should be able to stop me. This is what I have resolved to do from now hence forth. Friends can wait, watching movies can wait and all of that.

In conclusion, I have seen through what I have written that I can achieve all that I want to do in life if actually I want to do it.

Thanks 👍 to the #queercoin community and all my friends. Do have a blessed week ahead.


Great post fam, it is always easier to solve our problems when we see them clearly. And good luck with that self discipline and determination ❤️❤️


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