A New Beginning My Son's First Day at Middle School

in CCH29 days ago

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Hello everyone

The school term had just begun, and my son was promoted to middle school, transitioning to a school conveniently located near our home. This marked the beginning of a new chapter, filled with fresh experiences – a new school, new friends, and a new environment. I fervently hoped that my son would find happiness in this new setting.

On the first morning of the term, I accompanied my son to his new school. As we arrived, I was struck by the welcoming atmosphere. The school grounds boasted a sprawling lawn, a well-equipped playground, and numerous school buildings, each buzzing with the energy of eager students.



Despite the excitement of the new beginning, my son was understandably a bit anxious. However, I reassured him with a smile, confident that this school would soon feel like a second home. As we walked through the gates together, I felt a mix of nostalgia and anticipation, knowing that today was the start of something wonderful for him.




It was a bright and hopeful new beginning. In the morning, the school invited parents for an introductory session to discuss the school policies and provide guidance for the academic year 2024. The parents gathered in the school's auditorium, engaging in a meeting that lasted about two hours. During this time, school administrators outlined the expectations, programs, and support systems in place to ensure a successful year for the students.

After the meeting, parents had the opportunity to meet the teachers and other staff members, fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Once the session concluded, they released their children to begin their first day of learning in this new environment. The students eagerly joined their classmates, ready to embark on their educational journey with new friends and supportive teachers.

With a sense of satisfaction and optimism, the parents left the school, knowing their children were in good hands. They traveled home, carrying the reassurance that this new beginning was the start of something positive and transformative for their children.




Around 4 p.m., I drove to pick up my son from school, eager to hear about his first day. On our way home, we decided to stop by Chillva Market to buy dinner. As we drove, I asked him about his new school, his new friends, and his new teacher. With a smile, he told me he had made a new friend and that his teacher was very kind. Hearing this eased my worries, and I felt a sense of relief knowing he was adjusting well.

When we arrived at Chillva Market, the place was bustling with energy, filled with Chinese tourists exploring the various stalls. I enjoy buying dinner at Chillva Market because of the delicious food and the wide variety of options available. The vibrant atmosphere and the tantalizing aromas always make it a pleasant experience, even though I don't come often due to the heavy traffic.



As we wandered through the market, selecting our dinner from the numerous food vendors, I felt content. It was a perfect ending to a day of new beginnings, filled with the promise of exciting experiences and delicious meals to share.





Chillva Market is more than just a night market; it's a vibrant hub where people come together to shop for clothes, enjoy a variety of foods, and immerse themselves in a lively atmosphere. It's a place where friends and families often meet to stroll around, find delicious yet affordable food, and relax together while listening to beautiful live music. The market was alive with the chatter of visitors and the soothing melodies of live music in the background.


We selected a variety of tasty dishes from the food stalls and, feeling the first pangs of hunger, decided to head home immediately to enjoy our meal. The drive back was filled with anticipation of sharing a delicious dinner and talking more about my son's exciting first day at his new school. It was the perfect conclusion to a day of new experiences and delightful discoveries.




Thank you for your support




It's a really nice place and I like seeing the crowds in that place.