Adventures at Robinsons Exploring Colors and Cinema

in CCH2 months ago

Blue Grey Minimalist Birthday Photo Collage.png

Hello everyone

These days, there are a ton of new movies hitting theaters, and my son and I are always on the lookout for something fun to watch. So, when we caught wind of this romantic comedy flick, we were totally sold. We watched the trailer and instantly knew we had to see it.

Today, around noon, we decided to make a trip to the Robinsons department store near our place. Conveniently, they've got a movie theater tucked away inside, so it was the perfect spot for a quick movie outing.



It was a quick drive to the Robinsons Department Store, just a 10-minute journey covering the short 3-kilometer distance from our home. As we pulled up, the bustling scene outside the movie theater immediately caught our attention. The front area was alive with excitement, teeming with people eagerly awaiting their turn to catch the latest flicks.




After snagging our tickets, we found ourselves with a half-hour to spare before showtime. Not one to waste a moment, my son and I decided to explore the vibrant surroundings. The Robinson's Department Store was adorned with a riot of colors, its facade a lively mosaic of hues that seemed to beckon us closer.

Armed with our smartphones, we embarked on a mini photo expedition, capturing the store's eclectic charm from every angle imaginable. We posed in front of whimsical displays, snapped selfies against the backdrop of brightly painted walls, and marveled at the creative touches that adorned every corner.





With each click of the camera, we immortalized the moments we shared, weaving memories into the fabric of our day. The anticipation of the movie ahead mingled with the joy of exploration, creating a heady cocktail of excitement that filled the air around us.

As the minutes ticked by, we reluctantly tore ourselves away from our impromptu photo shoot, the promise of cinematic delights calling us back to the theater. With smiles on our faces and memories stored safely in our hearts, we made our way back, eager to dive into the world of romance and comedy that awaited us on the silver screen.






The movie had us hooked for over two hours, leaving us thoroughly impressed by the time we stepped out of the theater. As we exited, my son's stomach growled, and he declared his craving for KFC's legendary fried chicken. Joining the line, we found it snaking around the corner, a testament to the popularity of the place, especially on a holiday.


While my son eagerly awaited his chicken fix, I opted for a single ice cream cone, not quite hungry enough to indulge in a full meal. We found a spot to enjoy our treats, relishing in the satisfaction of good food and even better company.



With our hunger satisfied and spirits high, we made our way home, content with the memories we had made together. As we walked, the echoes of laughter and the warmth of shared experiences lingered, a reminder of the simple joys that filled our day.


Thank you for your support




You had a very beautiful Sunday
Also, I love your sandals. They’re cute

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