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RE: Owl diamond embroidery.

in CCHlast year

Yes, I think your posts are quite well.

It is true that you didn't interact a lot. But it is also true that the typical autovotes on HIVE are part of that problem, because if noone reads and comments your posts it's also not easy for you as well (you share this 'fate' with many not so well known accounts where nearly no interaction takes place in their posts and who could be the next victim of the downvote police).

Partly I understand the reasoning of the flaggers, but I don't like at all that they attack first instead to initiate the communication from their side to give you the chance to interact with them and see their points of view.

And to flag your posts to zero is really bad style in my opinion as whatever they say, at least you created original content but no plagiarism or spam.


Thank you.
Yes, I try to answer, but that's no reason to put moisture and ask others to put.
For the fact that I do not write a comment for that and put a flag.
I try to write posts and it's hard and time, and if you draw it in general can be a week or more.
And embroidery is hard.
I can not answer the comments often I have a small child, I try to make a post for the hive.
Yes I withdraw coins I am not a millionaire and do not hide it as it is difficult for me financially.
Thanks ☺️

My suggestion would be to try to reply to the comments (if possible),
If you have time to create elaborated posts, maybe you can also take a few minutes every day for commenting and replying?

I see nothing wrong to do with your earned money whatever you please. You created nice posts (you invested your time), and other people enjoyed your work and upvoted (paid for) it. I would not downvote anybody for using their own money ... but what I would do or not doesn't matter much here.

If they don't stop to downvote you, maybe the only way is to create a new account ...

Anyway: good luck in future! :)

Thank you.
Yes I will take the time to comment maybe .
Maybe it's my fault that I don't write comments as often as I should.
Thanks for the advice.