Make each day your best

in CCH3 years ago

Good evening from Bangladesh.
How are you all?
I'm fine Alhamdulillah.

People are constantly running for life and livelihood, every moment.
Whoever is involved in the profession, he is running after it.
But in the course of time, people are running in search of a way to make a living.

A short life, no matter how much struggle, effort, desperate pursuit for it. But life is one, where thousands of ways to find a livelihood.

The recent Warrant Buffett quote, ‘People are so engrossed, just one source of income is not enough to survive independently. Want more, one or a few more. People are running, looking, looking for a puzzle, more puzzles are being born. '






Water was available at the hotel for free when I was very young. And now he keeps the money by filtering. Earlier, if there was thirst in the street, people would call for water in the house on the side of the road. And now these thoughts can not be. Because, availability has made human relationships farther away. We are now much more modern, more civilized, a few steps ahead with the blessings of science. But I have lost that pure and simple life like childhood forever. Now there is no such thing as easy availability. Just complexity everywhere.

Let's not pollute life on the question of livelihood. We must not forget, but in nature very good circles are maintained. So we all take life and livelihood in an easy way with honesty.

Pictures of my post today were taken from the market around my office.