Photography of light white red jaba flowers

in CCH2 years ago (edited)

Dear friends, good morning everyone and welcome to visit my profile and thank all HIVE friends for their good support.

After the rain yesterday morning, in our area, on the side of the road of a house, there is a red light at the beginning of the beautiful Jaba flower blooming.
When I was walking along the road after the rain yesterday morning, I saw a picture of this beautiful Jaba flower. The beauty of Jaba flower is enhanced by the boiling water of rain. And I also like to photograph such beautiful flowers.

The beautiful Jaba flower has blossomed in the rain. This jaba flower has enhanced the unique beauty of nature.
I said no to jaba flower but you can see its special qualities and detailed discussion as soon as you charge online.

Yesterday at 10:30 am I took these pictures from a Jaba flower tree on the side of the road to our house.

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