Red flower collection for my Photo Journal

in CCH8 months ago (edited)

A few days ago, I made a post where I searched and photograph the beautiful yellow flowers around our neighborhood. I enjoyed the experience of finding the flowers with specific colors and compile them in a post like this. Because I had a great time with this kind of activity, I intend to do the same with another set of flower photography. For this round, I’m going to search for flower that has a dominant red or warm color to it.

I think it’s a good exercise in photography because it allows me to focus on a specific subject and find the specific qualities of it.

The photos that I’m presenting in this post is the result of my wandering around our neighborhood in search for flowers that are generally red or warm in color.






I think there so many exercises or theme that you may do in photography to make it more enjoyable. It is only when we enjoy that we make learning easier and motivating. When we are having a great time in taking photos then our creativity in viewing the angles of the shot become pleasing to the eye. Your emotion and mood while doing the photography will affect the outcome of the picture.

Have a great day!


I like seeing your flower collection with colors like this, friend,The flower in the second picture from below is really cool for me.

You made a good choice, that's the orange Hibiscus. Thanks for the feedback :)

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