Life is a new battlefield

in CCHlast year

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim

Assalamu Alaikum my dear readers brothers and sisters how are you all I hope you all are very well with the eternal mercy of the Almighty God I am also very well with your prayers and the eternal mercy of the Almighty God Alhamdulillah.

Life is a new battlefield


Our life starts from the moment we are born in the world with a fight every living person has to fight to survive in life be it me or you.

Many things change in people's life with time, people start thinking a lot, that's why people don't work hard in life, shame in your life, you have to fight, you have to accept everything and move forward.


No one can achieve success in life at will, read the biographies of those who have succeeded in life and see how hard they worked and succeeded in life.

The struggle of life is not yours alone, every human being tries to do something good, but there is a lot of work behind it, so you have to move forward with a lot of patience and perseverance.


And to do these things, you have to associate with some people and leave with some people, so you have to choose what you want to do and which people you want to avoid.

One right decision of yours can change your life, you can destroy your life through any decision and you can go far ahead through any decision.


People's life and reality is very difficult so why don't you give up on your life, don't ever do it, what should you do, how to move forward, many people have written many types of motivational articles, or if you search YouTube, you will find many videos that contain inspirational words. Listen to them and try to act accordingly.

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Think about the people who walk with you, the people who constantly treat you like this. Don't hurt anyone's heart for the love you have for your family.

You may understand many things with time but when time runs out you will have nothing to do.

One has to live by struggling in life, there is no life without struggle, while freedom cannot be won without fighting, just like nothing can be achieved in life without fighting.

So let me tell you that life is a battlefield not only for you but for everyone, you have to decide which way you will move forward, you have to decide which way you will choose which side is good for you and which side is bad.


Although everyone's life style is not the same even though everyone's thoughts are not the same but you have to move forward with your thoughts understand who said what if you work you will never reach your goals in life.

Wishing everyone to be well and healthy today, I bid farewell here today. Assalamualaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu.

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