Mango Marmalade Recipe

in CCH11 months ago

Hello friends, Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all, I hope you are all well by the grace of God, I am also well by the grace of God, Alhamdulillah.

Mango Marmalade Recipe


A few days ago we had mangoes on our tree and at that time I made mango jam. Actually ripe mangoes are still available in the market but raw mangoes are not available anyway I have made marmalade with raw mangoes today I will share that recipe with you.

First thing I did was clean the mango nicely and then I split it in two. Once it was split, I pierced it well with a fork because the more nicely you boil it, the more sweetness will get inside.

After it is boiled well, dry it slightly with a rag and drain it well.


Once it was in the sun I put the pan in the oven and added enough sugar and lightly oiled it with mustard oil to make it look a lot nicer.


When the sugar melts well I add mango in it and slowly start rolling it when the water is completely dry I take it out of the pot I am sharing each photograph with you hope you like it.

This was my recipe for today's mango marmalade. Hope you like it. If you like it, don't forget to share. Good day to all. Assalamu Alaikum.