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RE: Beautiful Sunday But We're Stuck In Traffic Jam

in CCH2 years ago

That would be difficult for me as well my friend! One of my neighbors lives in a tiny house with a wife and two small children that would be very difficult for me!🙄
He was tell me it's 10 feet wide by 30 feet long......


I'm fine with tiny houses but the one I saw in Japan, the width is just the whole stretch of two arms!

I remember seeing that on some documentary that is extremely tiny can you imagine living like that my friend!😳

I can't breath with extremely small space. I also saw a documentary which they're just bedspacers, and their space is like a cage.

I think I saw that same documentary, they can keep that kind of living I could not do that....

I can't do that too. I'd rather go to other cities. Housing is very expensive.

I think housing is going to get crazy expensive everywhere, I think I mentioned that my son and my daughter-in-law pay almost $3000 a month rent!!!🙄

That's expensive. The amount can build a tiny house here.