CCH Community High Quality Curation calendar week 42/43 month of October 2021

in CCH2 years ago

Welcome to the weekly CCH Community High Quality Curation

As an administrator, I always review good and high-quality publications that subscribers and members post to the CCH Community.
Hopefully by now you think our efforts are worth your support and consider joining Curation Trail to help us grow.


Hello everyone!

High Quality Curation and Rewarded on Camping Club Hive

Camping Club Hive High Quality Curation

We are committed to curating the best content on the Hive BlockChain in Camping, travel experience whether you are travelling with a tent, caravan, camper, hiking or cycling. You can also post all kinds of travel photos or here. CampingClubHive!
Without all of you, building this community would not be possible. In order to provide you with the highest quality experience, we are diligently looking for not only Camping Content, travel experience whether you are travelling with a tent, caravan, camper, hiking or cycling. But also the best overall content was come to community with pleasure.
After taking the time to curate the community, we found the post that was selected for the Weekly High Quality Curation and Rewarded on Camping Club Hive. Take the time to visit community members, whether they have just joined or are already a member here, and let's see their posted. We hope to Keep up the good work, and let's take your chance at the next daily curation round on CampingClubHive!

Big Thank the rewarder of also CCH Community Member for attention to built our home is where your heart is CampingClubHive!







































Curation By @visionaer3003 @my451r & CCH Team CampingClubHive home is where your heart is !

With that in mind, happy blogging


congratulations and well desevered. Looking forward to more participating and seeing the CCH community grow. cheers

Thanks for the kind words 🙂

Bugün ne efsane gündü. Yarın müsait olursam harika bir post hazirliycam cch için. Bozdirik yılanı derisini atmış onu bile gözlemleyip kayıt altına aldım benim için epey korkunç yılanlar 😅

lol yilan soguk hayvan bir kusu öterken gözleseydin bari 😂

Yılanlar ve bozkurtların benim için ayrı yerleri var gerçekten. Geçen Facebook'tan birini engerek ısırmış. Ben kış uykusuna yattıklarını sanıyordum. Tarlada işim olunca çok korktum karşılaşırız diye de neyseki kendisiyle karşılaşmadık. Yoksa 1.5 metreden uzun zehirli bir yılanla karşılaşmak beni kalpten götürürdü😅 kuşların çevrenin videolarını da çektimde acaba onları nasıl atıcam posta😅

aman dikkatli ol seni de isirmasin videolari 3speak attarsin olmazmi

Evet o aklıma geldi. Ama birden fazla video olduğundan birlestirmeden postta kullanmak daha cazip geldi bir çözüm baktımda bulamadım. sanırım dediğin gibi yapacağım. Tavsiyelerin için teşekkür ederim abi

Thank you for appreciating my work and choosing a photo!

My Pleasure 🙂

Thanks for support me

You are welkomme 🙂

Abi 3speak gönderisi hazırlıyorumda videodan başka fotoğraf eklenmiyor mu bir bilgin var mı?