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in AskMe3 years ago (edited)

AHAHAHAH (im dying lmao)

ok, Nine

  1. Can you please DM me your birthday and UTC time you were born pls? :D lmao

  2. Do you have any favorite books/stories? and why?

  3. As I saw you like rocks/minerals, what are you fav? and why? (I love gemstones (bc #shiny lol) and collect some, I'd also like to know if there are gemstones u like :D)

and I think that's it lol wasn't planning to ask much tho, we're very alike and u know we chat often :D

btw, loved that photo! 💙

Cheers! 🍻 💙

 3 years ago (edited) 
  1. I rarely give out my birthdate information, unless required for contractual agreements, but I will consider sending it to you, since I imagine you want to do my chart.

  2. It is absolutely impossible for me to pick one favourite of anything, since I’m too fond of diversity and too many, far too many interesting books. Mostly I read non-fiction and there are several hundred “favourites” in that category. I also read literature, so easier to pick one of my recent favourites, that being the author, Haruki Murakami and two of his books “Killing Commendatore” & “The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles”. Really, I love all his books. He has woven very profound observations about humanity and life in this world within the tapestry of each of his books. He has done this in a very creative and unusual manner and with a sense of humour.

  3. Again, it’s impossible for me to pick a favourite when it comes to rocks and minerals. Also, context plays a part in my preferences. If I’m carving stone, my preferences run to quartz varieties, in particular, agates. Also conglomerates. Probably amber is close to the top of the list of favourites for carving because it is so sensitive, temperamental in nature, and challenging. In terms of what my favourites are in a general sense that would be smokey quartz, pyrite, black tourmaline, tormalated quartz, apophyllite, honey calcite, and optical calcite are some. These are ones that resonate with me on an intuitive level that I utilize for specific purposes.

Really good questions, since we chat so often! Thank you and also happy you liked the self-portrait I did of my hiding behind my camera, one of my favourite places to be. 🤣


and yup tbh I find difficult to have one fav of anything lol I get ya. I've been interesting in reading Murakami, have read really nice stuff about him.

Thanks for answering!! :D

You're welcome! 😄

I highly recommend Murakami. He gave me much to ponder with his writings. I think you'd really like his books and it's kind of in the realm of your imagination too! 😉

Tick, tock on your AMA request haha 💙👅

 3 years ago (edited) 

ahahahah don't push me! It's comming it's commingggg! 😝💙

@ailindigo pressure, so much pressure and on your special day too! HDY @hiveqa!!!