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RE: I’m Emre. Ask me anything.

in AskMe4 years ago

What do you think is more interesting in the medium term price wise:
BTC halving or launch of Ethereum 2.0 on the main chain?


I’d go with price halving.

I'm not happy with your answer but it's your AMA. So I will have to accept it :D

Whats your take on this?

Halving is very baked in because there was a lot of talk about it for the last 6 months at least.
Most of crypto are not aware of the impact PoS can have on Ethereum with regards to efficiency and scalability.

You sound like an expert so I change my vote.

I'm random account on the internet. You should be suspicious :P

But your red background robot avatar with a blue robe username gives confidence and trust. I can't help it.