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RE: Hi! I'm Rosa, Ask Me Anything

in AskMe4 years ago

Ouch! At 3AM I would often be awake because I feel like I didn't do enough. I'm often wondering 'should I have started [insert random task] earlier?' (The answer is almost always YES - I'm a huge procrastinator.)

If I had EVERYTHING I could ever want you mean? Wow. First thing that comes to mind is that I would fine a small place to stay in the Scottish Highlands and enjoy the fresh air and amazing views I've encountered there in 2017 - it's truly a place of beauty to me and I felt both body & mind were at peace over there. Probably a great way to sit still and enjoy the feeling of 'having it all' (before I would figure out what to want next - is there a point in living without having anything to wish for?)