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RE: Ask Solo anything - AMA

in AskMe3 years ago

Coolness - yay!

And that sounds wicked awesome. I'm going to have to poke around online and check it out. I'm hoping to eventually upgrade my current Nikon, so maybe that would work to convert. If not, I might see what I can figure out, because now I'm intrigued!

Oooo, definitely seems like there's something spooky going on there! I've lived in a few places over the decades years (including our current home) with similar sorts of occurrences. And I'd say that guess about the Buddha head acting as an amplifier is spot on - we lived in a duplex years ago that was pretty active, and when a new neighbor moved in & had a necklace they believed was haunted by a grandparent, the activity went into overdrive. We ended up moving a short time later (unrelated to the but I heard that once they moved out as well, things got quiet again.

Great AMA answers - thanks, @solominer!