Songs that we can never ever forget ( Carl Orff - Carmina Burana O Fortuna )

in Dance and music2 years ago

Hello everyone, I want to start this dedicating it to the person I have loved the most and will always love, TO MY FATHER.

I heard this symphony for the first time with my father, and the truth is that at that moment in my life I did not like classical music. But they turned off the lights and the melody began to play, I was speechless.

I think that few people do not know this type of music; Almost all of us know Carmina Burana, since they appear as the soundtrack of many films and many even say the composer Carl Orff, but it is not known if this information is correct

Carmina Burana is a collection of songs composed by a character named Goliardos in the 12th and 13th centuries. The Goliards are something of a wanderer. Many of them are retired monks or alumni. After leaving their religious group, they become engaged to Yu traveling from town to town and earning a living singing songs with blasphemy themes. Sometimes it is fun, sometimes even very dangerous.

So after knowing more about this masterpiece, I hope you enjoy them, as I enjoy it every time I listen to it.


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