Following up on my previous HSI post with images of food in and out of the soil, here are another 21 food-related images for the stockpile :). These images are of food after it has been harvested: preparing and chopping, cooking and baking, serving and eating.
As always, the images are sized to a width of 2000 pixels.
Finally, the only visible face being stuffed is mine 😁.
Bon Appétit!
Food - From Chop To Fire And Belly:
Usage Notes:
I don't require to be credited for use of my images, feel free to publicise #hivestockimages instead... or else follow their suggestions and guidelines.
Previous Hive Stock Images posts by me:
- FOOD: Fresh Produce, Fruit, Veg, Planting, Digging, Growing, Harvesting, Picking
- Seven Footers (Banners) Promoting HIVE STOCK IMAGES To Add To Blogposts
- The Season Of Autumn (In Scotland)
- Eyes (Human), Sight, Vision, Seeing, Looking, Gazing, Window-to-Soul etc.
- Money, Cash, Fiat, Currency, Banknotes, Coins, Cashmachine
- Smoke, Smoking, Cigarettes, Weed, Tobacco, Joints, Lighting up
- Illustrations Of Brain Activity (Thoughts, Ideas, Concepts, Brainwaves)
- Castles & Fortresses (History, Stone)
- Insects: Butterflies & Ladybirds (Ladybugs)
- Insects: Bees & Flies
All images @barge | Thanks for visiting 🙏
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These are wonderful! What a feast!
It’s really great getting images like these for use. I love seeing the hands prepare the fresh yummy foods. Really nice work as always ~ 😉
Many thnaks :) of those pair of hands taught me a LOT about food!
That looks so good! Feeling hungry and envious now...
Such great shots! I almost got hungry...
I loved the one of the peppers in the glass bowl. You can see the movement of the hands.
The flatbread on the stove... I kept looking at the flame.
Thanks for a really nice dog's name is Flame and I keep looking at her :)
Hahaha. It's understandable, she's a beauty :)
Excellent work, my friend. It's always good to have you here, your images are very human, thank you.
!update-stock-image-tags #food #cooking #eating #preparing #kitchen #cuisine #buffet #banquet