I Sometimes Kill My Models After a Photo Shoot - Hive Stock Images

in Stock Images4 years ago (edited)


Saves me the trouble of providing them food and accommodation after the work they've done. So I do that because it's convenient and to save the things that mean more to me than my useless models.

What do you do to your models after you don't have any use for them?

Have you heard of a new community called Stock images? If you haven't here's my desperate attempt to spread the word. To all two readers I have. Perhaps three. Three and a half. (Half, you know who you are. If the brain is included in the half that reads my posts.)

Anyway, according to this post there's a need for certain type of stock photos.

  • Facial emotions; sad, happy, fearful, angry etc.
  • Images for fiction stories; fantasy, horror, romance etc.
  • Decorative dividers
  • Generic natural medicine and natural healing images; herbs, mortar and pestle etc.
  • Environmental images with ecological, natural and renewable ideals
  • Wealth and abundance depictions

The post is only 10 days old so I think there's still a need for these topics.

I thought I could try facial emotions with my models.

And you don't need to worry about any model release forms (one of the rules in this post). Time just goes by faster with these kind of models so all copyright claims, even those ending 70 years after death, are long gone. The photos were taken 13.8.2020 and the models were "accidentally" killed the same day and in their lives 4 days is, I don't know, 3 million generations of clones and offspring.

So me not worried.

But hey, the photos, licensed CC BY-SA, can be used here at HIVE or anywhere else too. (You can find me for instance from Instagram and Twitter.) You can also modify the photos if you follow the license rules. Check out also the Hive stock image links that I've provided if you plan to use any of the photos people have already provided here or decide to contribute in any other way.

Now the photos. Did I nail the facial expressions of what?

Angry. Right?

I've showed off my new lens before, but I'll do that again. Fits nicely to my Sony A6400.

The art in the background is also made by me.

I've been planing to make a proper macro photo shoot studio, but as I always have something else to do that has had to wait. And the studio set wasn't a proper one this time either. Not enough light and no proper stand. But I did get few shots that have recognizable shapes in it.

My "professional" studio. See the irritating aphid on the stem? Against the light.

So, I have a pot with sundews. And although the plant is a carnivore plant, it has aphids in it. As I'm afraid that the aphids might spread to other plants, I've drowned the plant and the pests multiple times before, but the aphids always come back. They dig their way up from the soil, emerge from thin air and I also suspect that some of them can hold their breath for 12 hours which is the longest that I've submerged the pot and plants.


So once again I drowned them and the ones that tried to save themselves to the flower stem, photographed and afterwards squished between my fingers and flushed the paper I provided for them as their graveyard, down the toilet. Because I'm a terrible person like that. I kill my models.

But despite the lack of proper stand, and even more light, I did get few sharp photos.

See the shear horror in their faces as they realize that they are going to die soon?

That paralyzed feeling.

This is the closest that I could get.

Those beady eyes.

Is this one smirking or is it just my imagination?

Take your hands... paws... claws off from my sundew!

"Run Forest, run!"
The thing is, if either of these pests would have been Forest,
they would have gotten away.
But they didn't.

Here's couple sundew flower and bud photos too. Fortunately my sundew is fine now. Did not kill it. Yet.



Uh. I promise next time I publish macro photos, I do the photo shoot properly. A macro studio, more light and a stand for my camera.


Tweet about it.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 19 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Great shots!

Well, I don't do a thing to my models... but sometimes I get away under the impression that the models want to stick a fork into my back, as I never ask for permission before pressing the shutter button! 🤭

Thanks. :)

You just have to embrace the things given to you. So if you at some point find a fork on your back, try to see the good sides of it. Like... I don't know... you now have a fork with you to eat anywhere you like. :D

Oh, no. Fork that thought! I'd rather eat with my hands! 😂

You're a cruel taskmaster!

The question is, am I one of your readers or am I the half reader? Because you reached me, but I think I might already know about that community. 🤔

I think I'm the half(wit) reader because it always comes as a surprise to me what I wrote when I read the text after publishing to quadruple check my coherence and if I left something out what I meant to put there.

And what an awesome idea for a community! :)

Lol! I sometimes have that same problem and wonder what on earth I was trying to say!

Your studio building skills are out of this world! 😱 I’m taking notes for sure. And while I’m not a fan of bugs, you directed your models to show their best assest and I’m liking it.

Tha... Wait a minute...

I’ve always felt compliments should not be given easily, I don’t trust people who are out there just being extra nice and telling everyone they look good today. Lies, all lies!


I will now go sit in to a dark closet and cry.

And all you had to do was drown some sundews and build a studio and take nice macro pictures of pests!

But because someone said something negative to me when I was 15 years old and again someone else when I was 20, I will remember those forever and that completely erases every positive, supportive and nice comment that I ever have gotten and ever will get.

Uh. Typical Finn I am.

Meant to say: THANK YOU! :)


Really cool shots these macro photos are just really cool to look at!

Thanks! Did shed blood, sweat and tears for them. Aphid blood. :D