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RE: News on the Prize Wheels and a Special New Years Spin - 100 Hive and 1000 CTP Tokens

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Let’s go with 27!

I’ll have to start entering these more, I see them but haven’t checked them out!

2020 was great for my family because it showed employers that people can work remotely and do it well so it will hopefully lead to more remote work in the future or permanent remote work.

Happy new year!

 3 years ago  

Hello @cmplxty - Thanks for entering :)
I agree, a lot of businesses are realising their overheads for premises are a bit defunct :)
I worked from home for most of the year untill COVID economics hit my employer and I was made redundant.
Having said that I did get to move back to my home in a regional area and that is a definate positive