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RE: Listnerds 11 week update

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

And I totally understand downvoting a broken link. As that sort of defeats the purpose. But I still feel like, common, the link is right there, just copy pasta it. =)

Yea, I am trying the free2play, or whatever is the equivalent name, thought I would give that a shot first, then think about putting money in. And yea a friend of mine is don't he rich list as well. But I still want to hear how it goes in the end for him. =)

By the way, what is your listnerds username? Mine is Patch.



I understand.

My ListNerds user name is rzc24-bbm.

I will be on the look out for your mails there and do some upvoting on them ;)

Thanks for that. I am just sending one mail per week.

I will do the same.


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