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RE: Why Setting Enterprise Membership at 1,000 Listnerds is a Must

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

I support your idea of setting the enterprise membership at 1k ListNerds. I feel 7k+ is a bit too much.

We also noticed not getting any rewards on that day and hoped it would be included on the next day but it didn't happen. Observed too that some members are becoming less active and some may have already left.

However, we have not created a place for those Listnerds to go to.

we need to find a sustainable outlet for the Listnerds we have and to only sustain their price. Otherwise, we make a non-inflated token that is worth almost nothing

This is very true. We need more use cases for the token, else they would become one of those to that get dumped as soon as people get them.


Let's see what the entire community thinks as well. I forgot to add the math breakdown of why I picked 1K but I think when people consider that it is 150 at best per mail now, it would make sense.

Thank you for your comment. And thanks for showing support for the idea.

Would be interesting to read how others think about this. We want it to succeed for sure so a good solution to current concerns will be very appreciated. I'm sure Jon and his team are working on to improve things for ListNerds and hope something good comes out sooner.