Why Setting Enterprise Membership at 1,000 Listnerds is a Must

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago (edited)


As many of you could probably check, the price of renewing your membership with Listnerds is 7391.021 Listnerds. If we calculate 130 Listnerds as the average we make from mails then we're basically paying 7391.021 to 8 thousand to make 7.8 thousand Listnerds. This is of course assuming that all emails get verified.

Another variable that keeps Listnerds barely profitable is of course Solos and staking rewards. Keep in mind what I mean by profitable is like 100$ a month if we're being very generous.


Meanwhile, of course, 50% of the market movement seems to be @onlydoge and @master-lamps masterfully buying at 0.01 to sell at 0.03 which thanks to that the price of Listnerds membership renewal will remain at 7-8K unless around 300-500 Hive is spent to buy the Listnerds available at the low prices. This brings me to my next point.


I am pretty sure no one in the Listnerds community even noticed that we lost two Listnerds investors on this blockchain. One had many questions which were asked in different places but went unanswered, the other simply saw a project with potential yet no direction.


Now, before I get to the main idea, I have a question I have to ask the community: Are you not aware of what's going on?

A few days ago we had no payment for a day and it doesn't seem that anyone is aware of that. I get that all of want to make those posts with overtly maximized use of words like AMAZING and FANTASTIC and AWESOME! Plus you all want to be the positive ones. And I get that, but really? Nothing.

You don't realize that you'd be paying around 90$ to make around 100$ at best?


I am not the first person to bring up these things but seems like whenever they're brought the community's response is "Interesting. !CTP !ALIVE !LUV !LOLZ !WINE !BEER !DIETSODA" Like there are no actual opinions to what is going on. I get that we like each other and everyone wants to be nice and positive but at some point, someone has to say that the Emperor has no clothes.

With that out of the way, let's get to the main point.


The answer to inflation was to produce fewer Listnerds which made sense. However, we have not created a place for those Listnerds to go to. I know that we can renew our membership with them, but that's simply something we could do with Hive and HBD as well and we don't have to wait almost two months and a half for them.

Producing fewer Listnerds was the right step and now it needs to be followed by more steps. And with the tough times ahead, we need to find a sustainable outlet for the Listnerds we have and to only sustain their price. Otherwise, we make a non-inflated token that is worth almost nothing, in that case, we might as well have kept the inflation.


Setting the price of Listnerds membership at 1,000 Listnerds would do two things.

  • Stop the bleeding of the token as no one would sell their Listnerds knowing one thousand of it means an enterprise membership.

  • Make the token itself more valuable and will actually mean more members as paying 1 thousand Listnerds will be easier for users.


The current system means that people are basically held hostage to creating 2 mails a day and as for the rest, they're already at a loss to maintain.

If we calculate 150 as the average reward per mail.

Business membership costs 5549.386 Listnerds while it makes around 4,500.

Premium membership costs 1946.117 Listnerds while it makes around 1,500.

If you ask me, we should lose them altogether and have Enterprise and free membership.

Having Listnerds at 1K could serve the new form of buy wall.


I get the message of letting the market decide the price but there are steps between 1.5 Hive buy wall for Listnerds and not doing anything. I am not saying we're at the not doing anything area either, I am just establishing a spectrum.

It should be worth noting that we have fewer active members overall. I personally know 10 who have left already. I am personally taking this as a last ditch effort before I do so as well.


1 thousand Lsitnerds per subscription seems like the way to go for at least the next two months as we survive a huge drop of token value as it should be noting people receiving their unstakes now are doing it from June 15 when the payment was around 300 per mail and we haven't even entered the period where it was almost two thousand.

I mean it when I saw that we need Listnerds membership to be at that price as that would be the only thing to help us navigate these times with the lowest amount of loss possible.


I have way more points to bring up, but I want to just focus on the tokenomics here.

I think by setting something like that we could have a clear vision of what the next few months would be like and that would:

  • A) Provide opportunities to win over investors

  • B) Renew trust and stability


With my sister depending on me to pay for her treatment after a heart attack (angina pectoris) which is costing me an arm and a leg plus my personal expenses, the amount paid seems just wasteful.

Also, I want real opinions in the comments. If your response is going to be nothing just to show you exist, I'd suggest skipping this post entirely.


I'm a bit confused.

The purpose of ListNerds is as a mailer to grow your business, which for most people on Hive is your blog or a community. Generally, promoting your business would be a business cost. ListNerds provides an alternative where promotion activities are tokenised and doing those activities well is rewarded.

Like Hive, there is no entitlement to those rewards.

Accumulating ListNerds as an end seems to have overtaken its purpose as a means: the means to grow the audience for your blog or community. There is potential for it to be an income, potentially to pay people who have a role in marketing or promotion (or audience building) a range of different projects (numerous blogs or communities, for example) on behalf of other people.

For the average user, though, I'm not sure why anyone is paying for an Enterprise subscription at this stage of ListNerds life-cycle. It's not necessary:

  • there are not enough active subscribers yet to warrant paying for it - that is, there is limited potential audience for any blog, community or business;
  • and the price of ListNerds is so low that it makes much more sense to buy ListNerds on the market rather than seek to earn them through tokenised activity.

For investors, it was worthwhile buying an Enterprise subscription in the first six months or so, because of the inflation rate and the opportunity to acquire a large stake. That made sense then and is common to many projects (compare EDSMMs over on the @eddie-earner account, which are still paying about 35% because not all the tokens are issued yet), but now as an investor, if you believe in the project long-term, it makes more sense to buy ListNerds in the market.

I am more focused on the use case side of the debate and how to make it self-efficient in the meantime. This is partly caused by the language which includes "surprise" and "secret" terms, which I saw that some of those fail, so just an idea as everyone is kept in the dark.

Does it need to be made more self-efficient? It's a good model that needs wider adoption. Your post has helped to highlight that and the comments have shown some ways that ListNerds is an attractive offer to ordinary Hive users.

Where is the language that you are talking about?

Does it need to be made more self-efficient?

In my opinion, based on current status, yes. The rewards are actually proving to be lower than in my initial math. The number of readers is also lower and seems in a small but surely decline which I believe that's how the initial Listnerds failed.

I understand your and mypathtofire's push to make free accounts more popular and it's something our team started to make an initiative for. Yes, it would be profitable to have a free account, but it takes too much time. As evident by this post, which was posted during the more popular times. We're talking about days of work to secure mails before sending your own mail. So, it's not free as it takes a bit too much effort for what is essentially 2-3 Hive per mail. That's why people with free accounts leave quick.

My sample for that isn't one or two people, but almost 20 people who signed up during the COMedy Rumble month. Out of those people, only one stayed long enough to send a mail, and she left afterward.

It takes around 1,000 mail to start getting verified unless you're recognized by someone or have a team to back you up, and even then it's still up to fate. That's 200 mails to read at least. Meanwhile, you have programs like Dreemport that get you similar results, less to be completely fair, but also all you need is to check out 5 posts.

It's a good model that needs wider adoption

Doesn't seem to be getting that as we're losing more than we're gaining. It's very hard getting someone to read even 50 mails before doing anything else.

Where is the language that you are talking about?

this post by Jon from 2 days ago is a great example and that's how many things were referred while we were asking about it in communication channels. If you read the 2021 timeline which became the 2022 timeline, you'd see all the secret projects that kept many sitting and waiting either have an X or soon near them.

I don't mind that marketing style really but when coupled with so many things going nowhere, I worry.

Ah, I understand what you saying better now. I've highlighted the TL:DR paragraph below 😁.

I've raised a couple of times that readers/receivers need to be better rewarded - I mentioned in a comment on this post about downvotes that I have benefited from only 23 verified emails out of 2,396 emails that I have read - less than 1% for 75 consecutive days of logging on and doing the work of reading (and voting) on emails.

Assuming that readers/receivers are not downvoted when they send a mail, they receive a basic 5 MAILs per read email. There is no need to use more than 1,000 MAILS for sending an email: we know there are/were 143 people with a reputation of more than 90% a few weeks ago and I would be very surprised if there were more than 500 people overall signed up, my guess would be less than 200. Even at 5 MAILS a read email, I found that I could accumulate 1,000 MAILS in ten minutes a day over three days. The fewer the emails arriving in your inbox each day, the more days it will take.

As my reputation increased, it went up to 9 MAILS per email - this was more than enough, and I have accumulated enough MAILS to see me through to Christmas, even if I never read another email during that time. I was irritated when the reputations were reset, because that put me back to 5 MAILS per email and I agree with you that this is not attractive to the average user. This is what I wrote in Discord after the CTP show implementing the reputation reset (apologies, you've probably read this before, but useful, perhaps, to include with this discussion):



I agree there are techniques to being successful and some of those techniques take time to learn and implement; however, they are fundamental to building an audience or network for anyone's blog, whether they use ListNerds or not. And, at the same time, I agree there are other ways to achieve engagement which are fun (whether they take time or not) and have better and faster rewards, unlike ListNerds which has a lot of drudge work and not very good rewards for doing it.

Certainly on that score - rewards for reading/receiving - I agree with you. But is that resolved by adjusting the quantity of ListNerds required for the Enterprise subscription? Or are we simply perpetuating a structural problem with ListNerds (the focus on senders at the expense of receivers) that needs to be addressed?

The biggest challenge I see for ListNerds is leothreads - truly free, organic, easy and fun.

Thank you for linking that post with the timeline and language. I had seen it but I will go back and read it properly.

Great discussion, thank you for initiating it.

But is that resolved by adjusting the quantity of ListNerds required for the Enterprise subscription?

To be honest, since my idea was suggesting it as a temporary solution until all those "secret projects" are out and we have a clear path, I am inclined to say that within 4-5 months, no. I am very worried about the price in a month, yes, I read Mypathtofire's report and can see that the price went up from 0.01 to 0.02-0.03, but within a few days, we're entering the period where people were receiving 500-1500 per mail so if we call what's been happening inflation, what are we going to call that?

I guess the area we definitely agree on is that my idea is not a long-term solution, which is why I am glad we're talking here as opposed to DMs on discord.

The way I view my idea is duct-taping the pipes until the plumber arrives. AKA, keep things running until all the internals (I.E the issues you brought up) are fixed since it's between "surprises" and the dev being one man and unable to do everything at once.

I am definitely not going to say Listnerds could fall otherwise, but I am trying to get the ball rolling here. If I am wrong, then I am wrong. But, I would know that for sure, and so will people agree with me. At worst, we could eliminate a bad idea. And the situation on Discord and comment sections didn't provide a good process of elimination, hence, a post.

As I said near the end of the post, my sister got very ill and I am also ill myself, so I value the usual spending much more now.

Okay, I understand, and thank you for your patience.

As a temporary measure while other issues are addressed, I support your proposal.

I am sorry that you and your sister are unwell, I hope you get some relief.

This was my understanding also. ListNerds is a governance token to gain influence on the earning of more governance tokens on the platform.

For average users, the free account is brilliant, they can promote their account for free AND earn some crypto while doing it!! It is a great product!

Yes, that's right: governance is the primary purpose or use for ListNerds, to ensure the good stewardship of the ListNerds community; to encourage desirable behaviour (effective email communication that promotes content discovery) and to counter poor or anti-social behaviour (plagiarism, milking).

I agree, the free account is under-utilised and offers a great opportunity to new and small accounts - and larger ones, too.

From an investment perspective, now that inflation is under control (report out tomorrow). From what I have seen many early investors have been cashing out at great profit..

Those who continue to hold ListNerd tokens are also sitting on good paper profits. Therefore I do not necessarily see any problem with the tokenomics.

There are some good opportunities to add even more value to the whole ListNerds community as seen in some of the comments here and this could be an exciting time to see what the team implement next.

From what I have seen many early investors have been cashing out at great profit.

This is typical investment behaviour, especially of OG investors. They come, invest, take early profits, move onto the next thing. OG investors are going to do their thing, and they have their place.

What's more interesting (to me) are the ones that hold and the second-wavers.

I count myself in the latter group, I tend to watch for a while, let the OGs get in and out, have a look at performance and then make my decisions. I've criteria for investment, and I'm usually thinking about a medium to long-term investment. Three to five years would be my starting place but, depending on the project, it could be longer.

I do not necessarily see any problem with the tokenomics.

Nor do I. I am curious why it took so long to act on inflation, but that's a small thing and out of intellectual curiosity rather than anything else 😁.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. It is reminding me of investing in some seedrs.com projects but with crypto/tokenomics instead.

What this post shows me is that the CTP team have created a great product that has a huge potential. This is because there is so many more ways that I am sure that the ListNerds product can add further value to their users using Hive/Blockchain technology. I am really excited about this journey.

I can only echo the sentiments of Shanibeer below though that most users don't need an Enterprise account unless they are promoting a business or community. A free account can bring some great benefits to many hive users AND they can earn some crypto on top!!! WIN/WIN!

I think you kinda missed my point and are just having a new point of your own, one which I partly agree with.

My point was that most users don't need an Enterprise account to promote their Hive Blog.

Also from an investors point of view (mine), I repeat abit what I wrote to Shanibeer, so far I've seen early investors cashing out their investments with great profits. You can see the Hive they have received has outweighed their subscription costs.

Those who stay and continue to hold a stake are also currently sitting on good paper profits compared to their investment, especially since the inflation has now been reduced.

Therefore I dont see any problem with the tokenomics.

There are some good opportunities to add even more value to the whole ListNerds community as seen in some of the comments here and your suggestions and this could be an exciting time to see what the team implement next.

My point was that most users don't need an Enterprise account to promote their Hive Blog.

I know and I wasn't saying they do. This is why I said, "I think you kinda missed my point and are just having a new point of your own, one which I partly agree with." because your point is most users don't need an Enterprise account. Fine, we partly agree there. But, it wasn't my point of the post.

My point is about a part of the bigger conversation happening for the last few weeks which is the use case, something that came as a solution itself. The conversation also includes my and Thisismylife's idea of sponsoring new users.

Therefore I dont see any problem with the tokenomics.

I already assumed you didn't based on the first comment and I give you the benefit of the doubt that you know what you're talking about. It's just we're talking about two completely different paths to go about it.

There are some good opportunities to add even more value to the whole ListNerds community as seen in some of the comments here and this could be an exciting time to see what the team implement next.

That's a main point of the post, to get the ball rolling. The team insists on the community taking responsibility and sharing ideas. It's gotta start somewhere, they're basically three people running the entirety of the CTP platform, so I am trying to throw ideas regarding what could help as far as Listnerds is concerned.

I think my idea could be useful as the solution is based on many users who left and investors' ideas, or I could be wrong based on something that only the team knows, I am not married to any idea. I

Thanks for explaining your point further and it's a good initiative to throw ideas out there.

Yeah, I appreciate the response. Rereading what I wrote makes it sound like it might be written with the wrong tone, but I swear I was responding in good spirit. I don't want the text form to send the wrong message.

I know you are passionate about the project, and that's why reading this post confirms it was a good investment for me. You have made more initiatives than other users.

Using the current high bid price of 0,02 Hive and your example a free user can send a mail once per 7 days and earn 150 ListNerds. That is EARNING 3 HIVE per week for promoting their blog/community/business or whatever.. 12 HIVE per month.

Im just surprised more users aren't all over this..

I'm new around and still trying to understand it all and fit in with the swarm.
Personally, for now, I'm still using only premium, but even with that, I'm currently not willing to pay for the subscription with anything else than fiat, not even with Hive or HBD.
I had bad experiences before when I paid with crypto and then the price of that coin doubled or 3x in a matter of days so in the back of my mind there's a lock that won't let me do it, at least for now...

Since I came here I've only been buying and I have no plans to unstake anything for at least a couple of years. If it all goes to shits in the meantime, then so be it...it won't be my first.

Listnerd account similar to Brofi and set it to upvote people based on %.

@jongolson @blainjones

This sounds perfect and it would be a really good incentive for users to buy and hold LN, this could be a good use for the token even for those that are not using the platform, just yesterday I bought some Brofi and got over the 10 mark and already saw votes coming from their side.

I think the team is considering it and if they say no to any idea like the 1K or the Brofi-ish ideas, we could ask for the reason or assume it's based on something they only know and wish not to disclose it, then it's time for a new idea. The reason I did this in post form is to avoid having these thoughts in an echo chamber and was willing for this to go both ways.

Someone had to do something here, I mean by posting here. On Discord, it's easy to not be aware of things like this being discussed. But I still hope for more comments, I guess it's the time zone thing 😁

Yeah, on Discord it takes one or two people asking a question for your comment to disappear. I saw it happen many times.

As a daily Enterprise member, this math makes sense to me because it is fair to everyone ... even Enterprise members have no guarantee of having emails verified every day, and for those posting less often, 1,000LN cuts down on the risk of not having enough LN in hand to maintain or seek an upgrade.

For new members who come in free, this is super important ... assuming 120-150 LN per verified post, it would take as many as eight weeks of posting to afford an upgrade even at 1,000LN, and buying for numbers higher than that does not make good mathematical sense. In Hive terms, at around 7,000LN, that's a good 140 Hive. That's a lot when each verified mail is worth about 3 Hive. In USD terms, when users are making only $1.80 per mail that they can only access in ten weeks, it's a lot to ask them to come up with $30-80 every thirty days from the gate. 1,000 LN is still steep, but I think if people see the value, new users as well as established users can work with that.

The other thing that we could do: at 1,000 Hive, those who are team leaders and those of us who have higher balances can build strong teams by sharing our wealth, helping newer members with the cost of the upgrade as they learn what it takes to be verified consistently. That could create a virtuous circle of re-circulation.

The other thing that we could do: at 1,000 Hive, those who are team leaders and those of us who have higher balances can build strong teams by sharing our wealth, helping newer members with the cost of the upgrade as they learn what it takes to be verified consistently. That could create a virtuous circle of re-circulation.

@amirtheawesome1 brought forward this idea some weeks ago, and I'm more than happy to sponsor this in case of a set amount and active members that have shown to be valuable members. I already have a few of the downline that would make perfect candidates for this.

I agree with this & think it's a great idea. It would undoubtedly incentivize some of us to help people in our teams. I've already helped one of my team members upgrade, twice now. Now it wasn't the enterprise membership but still. I paid for it out of my own pocket (with Hive), and I'd definitely be more inclined to help more of my team members upgrade if it was 1000 Listnerds for Enterprise.

Yes, it would be great to help out team members. Let's hope they will implement it so that a few newbies can also experience the upgraded membership themselves.


I support your idea of setting the enterprise membership at 1k ListNerds. I feel 7k+ is a bit too much.

We also noticed not getting any rewards on that day and hoped it would be included on the next day but it didn't happen. Observed too that some members are becoming less active and some may have already left.

However, we have not created a place for those Listnerds to go to.

we need to find a sustainable outlet for the Listnerds we have and to only sustain their price. Otherwise, we make a non-inflated token that is worth almost nothing

This is very true. We need more use cases for the token, else they would become one of those to that get dumped as soon as people get them.

Let's see what the entire community thinks as well. I forgot to add the math breakdown of why I picked 1K but I think when people consider that it is 150 at best per mail now, it would make sense.

Thank you for your comment. And thanks for showing support for the idea.

Would be interesting to read how others think about this. We want it to succeed for sure so a good solution to current concerns will be very appreciated. I'm sure Jon and his team are working on to improve things for ListNerds and hope something good comes out sooner.

It's something we have looked at and are trying to find a good number that makes it attractive but still allows us to put a massive use case on the token.

As for people leaving, that's fine. We aren't going anywhere. Our 'direction' is forward, always. And I know what Blain, Eliana and myself have invested into this stuff so we are going to make this stuff work...No matter what.

With a track record of 20 plus years myself, and over 35 combined...We have the tendency to stick with things ;)


The reason I picked 1K is because, after all, how much are people going to unstake on the daily basis?

If you make about 300 LN a day from 2 mails, it's 450 in my case but I have a big stake, are you going to unstake it all? It would be 100 max, which means 3K tops, that's assuming all mail gets verified.

Make it 2K and you're basically taking two thirds of someone's liquid income. Hence, 1K.

As for the rest, there are different ideas just of the top of my head you can set up a Listnerd account similar to Brofi and set it to upvote people based on %. That would get backed up by investors as well. That's just one idea.

As far as right now, it's either 1K or in the 1K area.

Makes sense. I'll see what we can figure out.

Yeah we are under-utilizing the listnerds curation account. We added those shaky shaky and chances to it, but really didn't get a ton of interest. Perhaps that's a metric (staked) we could integrate into the curation tool as well.


Yeah, you're trying and that's what matters. You guys need/deserve breathing room and I believe my idea could grant that.

This is just something to get the ball rolling.

Yeah we are going to do something like you suggested, I talked with the team and they are on board. But we wanna have some fun with...Being all 'marketing-ish' and do a big promo for it lol

We'll have something together soon. No promises on a date but we are all on board for trying it for a bit to see if it generates more excitement....


I'm a bit late chiming in here but still wanted to add my opinion in the matter.
I think 1000 Listnerds (or ballpark) isn't such a crazy idea.
When I look at that I've helped one of my team members upgrade to Basic membership two months in a row. The first month I paid the full amount because he had just started on Hive as well as Listnerds, and the second month, I only had to add about 10 HBD or so because he paid the rest himself.

My reasoning behind this was that I wanted him to enjoy the experience as a whole, as well as make enough progress in both Hive as well as Listnerds to see the potential, without having to worry about how he'd pay for things.
I want what most of us on Hive want: for the platform, as a whole, to grow.
And if that costs me a little bit of my stake, then it's money well spent.

I would do the same for others because most of the members of my team are solid creators who bring something new and unique. However, with my personal situation the way it is now, it's impossible for me to take this from my Hive wallet.
It would probably be a completely different story if it could come from my Listnerds rewards/stake. That way, in my opinion, we all win: People stick around because they don't feel too much pressure to pay for things in the beginning. I win because I keep a team that's solid and brings value. And there are more subscriptions than there would be otherwise.

That's what's been on my mind for the last month, maybe more. But like you said, we're all used to cheers and tips here...

Besides everything you suggested, I'd like to see some more uses for ListNerds. Perhaps these are:

  • Paying for upvotes of the post.
  • Paying for an unscheduled email when you don't have a premium

There have also been thoughts about the need for "live" reputation. You read the emails, you get a little plus, you miss a day, you get a little minus. Same with all the activity in Listnerds mail...

Thanks for bringing this up! We should be having this kind of discussion!

Paying for upvotes of the post.

Only if it can be done in the Brofi way, if you stake the token then you might receive some votes. If it comes to PAYING up for votes(on Hive I mean), you'll have the marky swarm coming down to zero you.

Paying for an unscheduled email when you don't have a premium

This already exists, you can buy/send a Solo mail for the price of 20k MAIL, which you can buy with Listenrds. But if the parity is not right, nobody will touch it.


Hah, 7030 Listnerd would count for a Solo mail, and @amirtheawesome1 is talking here about 7k LN for enterprise which will give you 60 mail a month plus some. Some of this numbers are so off... 😠😔

Only if it can be done in the Brofi way, if you stake the token then you might receive some votes. If it comes to PAYING up for votes(on Hive I mean), you'll have the marky swarm coming down to zero you.

In principle, I like the way Actifit does it. But you can do better than someone else's.)

This already exists, you can buy/send a Solo mail for the price of 20k MAIL, which you can buy with Listenrds. But if the parity is not right, nobody will touch it.

Yes, I was considering the Solo options, I didn't like them very much either). And I can't send a regular letter for 1000 without a premium subscription. That's what I'd like to see).


How many mails do you read every day? I managed to send 2 solo just with the MAIL received from reading mail...

I started recently, didn't have time to scrape together the first one when it was still 15,000. Now I read everything, I didn't have time to read everything before...

Funny enough, getting the enterprise would be cheaper because it includes a solo in itself.

From your perspective, yes, it would be cheaper. But, if I get enterprise, and I want to push out only 2 maybe 3 mails a week, I don't need it, and free won't be enough, and I don't want to push out either really old posts or too many of somebody else's articles, then enterprise would do me no good.

I think I have a similar issue. What I like about Listnerds is that the potential is there the rest are technicals

Love this post, I haven't really dug through the comments yet but I have personally asked if there were any plans for future use cases or any I didn't know of and got ignored, glad I haven't actually pulled the trigger on the membership with the current market situation but I am still here watching and looking at potential

Did you hear about the cheese factory that exploded in France?
There was nothing left but de Brie.

Credit: reddit
@amirtheawesome1, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of @vagabond42069
The LOLZ Tribe is here! Stake your LOLZ now to earn curation rewards and continue using the !LOLZ command. Please read our latest update for more information.

Mathematically, you're still at a profit with Enterprise membership. But, I would say being a free member is a very good option while buying from the market as @shanibeer and @mypathtofire excellently expressed in the comments.


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@stdd(10/10) tipped @amirtheawesome1 (x1)

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First, I'd like to say thank you all for your effort and thoughts. At the moment I am not the best help in cases /discussions like this post, as I'm new, totally from a different genre and still learning [sometimes I have to look up some terminology]. But these kinds of discussions help me a lot to get a better understanding and, as far as I get it right, it sounds like the right direction. Using ListNerds for enterprise membership, membership in general, sounds good. 1k sounds fair. Provide opportunities to win over investors and renew trust and stability, sounds like pro commonweal!
That's my response, my little contribution to this post, that I am listening and learning, wanting to learn more, and not just show my existence.

Thank you.


Overall, it's really a post to get a sense of the room, whether the idea was considered which apparently it was even before I said it, and to see where each person stands. I am more than willing to be embarrassed and get told that I am wrong and my suggestion is stupid for more than one reason if it is.

Many times an idea is only shown as bad after it is shared.

Thanks for being one of the firstest who threw a stone into this topic.

Many times, a shared idea is only the germination of more than just a crack in a seed.
Let's develop that shit and stick together. If I may say so 😃

Your post hits the right spot.
At the launch of the present format of ListNerds it made perfect sense to upgrade to the Enterprise version. The conversion rate was 1 ListNerd to 2 Hive. That was a great business proposition.
Now that the conversion is much different, the upgrades make little business sense as you cannot cover the cost of the subscription via the verification earnings.
I like the approach of ListNerd curation a la BRO. Adds a use case for investors and long-term holders.
Maybe the team can also look at reducing the unstaking period for long-term holders. And here I don't mean holding for only 30 days but more like being able to unstake ListNerds quicker when held for 12-18 months onwards.

I'm happy this post got so many replies, I decided to read them and look from a distance to see what the response was, as you know my opinion already. I personally really hope the team sees this as a good idea. It would also help us start up that newbie initiative and sponsor upgrades. I really think that's a great idea so newbies can test the waters.

I think that with today's earnings per mail, it would even be overpriced a bit, but I also think it's a good number to start with and test it out. I bet prices in the market would go up as well, so a win-win imo.

Thank you for taking the time to write this!


So you don't think that ListNerds will ever bounce back? You don't say that but I think I read it between the lines. Thanks for sharing.

We didn't get destroyed to bounce back, it's just a suggestion which I view as vital for the process but overall it's as good any solution or maybe even no change at all.