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RE: I Know Everything Attitude

I can say without fear of contradiction that I "knew it all" when I was a teenager. My parents let me find out on my own that I was wrong. Yes, we have to empty our cup so that we can be ready to receive more knowledge. That is not me. I heard it from somewhere else. There is always sonething we can learn

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 4 years ago  

We all were like that, Lisa... It's just like things are going on... The problem is when some people don't pass that period, and living in that way as an adults...

I would say that the teenage years serve exactly for that... That we learn from our own mistakes and stupidity how to act in the future... It sounds funny, but it is like that :)

I am just lucky that for my generation there was no social media so noone is ever going to see the stupid stuff I did as a teen. 😆
The military was a good place for me to do at least some growing up.

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