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RE: I Know Everything Attitude

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

I think it is also better to really engage with a smaller amount of posts and videos each day rather than make lots of oneliners on all posts you can find

You have nailed it with this! You will not get any connection with doing one-line comments... That is not engagement, that's just a bit more than laziness... Just a tiny level up... Yes, people will see you, but how will they percieve you? What image will you leave on others?

Thanks for the comment! Appreciate it! This could be a nice topic for a vlog... ;)

 3 years ago  

Yeah write it down, and I also only reward meaningful comments for IAAC with the ENGAGE tokens, nice incentive and it really works wonders, we are breaking all time highs all the time now, plus comments are meaningful and with great content too, I wish you an awesome weekend.