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RE: I Know Everything Attitude

in The CTP Swarm3 years ago

Oh boy, how true this is on several levels lol....

I know I went through that teenage phase "I know everything" ... had the attitude down & I am sure it drove my parents bonkers. Fortunately, I grew out of that quickly & now I can't stand it when I see this in others....

You brought up an excellent point - we have our own perspectives on things, but we need to be open to others as well. There are going to be differing points of view, opinions & even pearls of wisdom from different sides. But if you don't keep your heart open & quiet down the ego mind, you will miss out on a lot of learning opportunities & even bonding with others....

For example, today on my weekly call with a close friend, we had differing views on a topic today. Our original opinions didn't change, but we each were open enough to talk about it & share our perspectives without making each other feel like shit (excuse), We actually learned something from each other & I really appreciate that. This is how we grow & evolve, but if we sit around thinking we are above others & berate them, that makes us no better than the narrow minded turtles you mentioned...

It is okay to be knowledgable and perhaps even be right, but there's no reason to tear someone down to make your opinion known. People will leave if that keeps happening. So, it's best to be open...

Thanks for another AWESOME video, Zoltan. You should do more night videos. It was cool hearing the sea waves and seeing a different environment :) 💚

 3 years ago  

For example, today on my weekly call with a close friend, we had differing views on a topic today.

It's amazing what an open-minded talk can do... Especially in different kinds of relationships, as it's not always black and white... But, when ego is up than everything breaks apart, no respect, and no appreciating of differences...

On the other side, when we are open to discussion, when we appreciate others, we can ALWAYS learn something new... Even if we are the smartest in the room, there is always something to learn...

Thank you for an awesome comment and for sharing your personal experience!