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RE: We Want You To Try ListNerds...Take Our Guarantee!

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

I think it is a good idea but without very detailed instructions on how to earn Listnerd and ctp tokens, people are not going to get it. There is so much to understand that without step-by-step instructions most people won't do enough to see the benefits of ListNerds. You are going to have to hold their hands and walk them through what is going on.

Maybe an email every day reminding them of what to do would help. Adding $ value to the CTP and ListNerd balance screens might help. Seeing you earned 1 listnerd token isn't that impressive but seeing you earned $2 would have more impact. Making sure they have a mentor would be a good idea. I know this should be their sponsor but that doesn't always happen.

Another biggy is making them understand this isn't the normal mail. You want them to succeed not fail. They need to understand emailing content is more likely to get rewarded than emailing a splash page. (I really think you need to find a new term for what ListNerds is instead of mailer.) Maybe lower the requirements for getting an email verified for the 2 week period. Making it 20 gross upvotes instead of net.

One other thing that needs to be explained is why the open rate is so low. Originally I was an upgraded member of ListNerds ( before the blockchain). I downgraded because LN has the worst open rate of any mailer I use. It also has the best click-thru rate.

Also, I think you should go after inactive subscribers very hard. They are already familiar with ListNerds.

Hope this is useful.


Appreciate the feedback. Yeah we have definitely flipped things here, open rates dont seem to matter But we're always looking to improve it because we know that's a metric email marketers love.