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RE: This post is personal… Not sports related…

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

Hi Scott, normally avoid anything political, but I have to say that Trump is already putting in place systems to ensure and rig the election.

He has already openly stated that if he loses it will because it is a rigged election -

One of the things Trump does is that he blames others for the things he is doing himself. Its a pattern and obvious to the rest of the world

From another countries perspective, we just cannot understand why he is still in power
America has lost all credibility with the rest of the world as a result of his actions and the fact that he is still there

Seeing people still supporting his behavior is a disturbing sight indeed.

If the desire was to divide the country , increase the wealth of the wealthy and alienate it from the rest of the world under the guise of being independent then this man has done an extremely excellent job


Hi Russell, I can't agree with your comment more... this election has the potential to test the very fabric of our republic... I have no idea what he will do if he loses... and frankly, I am beginning to believe that if he does lose, the Secret Service will have to forcibly remove him from the building come January 20. I pray the historic peaceful transfer of power will continue to be the better part of valor and we will not have an issue... This is the most turbulent time in our history since Watergate, and I honestly believe this transfer of power will not go smoothly... thank you or commenting...