This post is personal… Not sports related…

in The CTP Swarm4 years ago

This post has nothing to do with sports… I am going to go off the reservation a bit and I hope you enjoy it…

I get that most of the #HIVE blockchain is not based in the US, and I also understand that right now most of the world, including our friends in Canada and Europe are laughing at us, so it's all good and I get why at this moment in history the US is the laughing stock of the world, and to be honest, we deserve it and I actually agree with it. We are in the middle of probably the most important election cycle in our history, and to be honest, I worry about the future of our nation and what it has “stood for” over the last 240 years. That is not a typo, I really meant 240 years, not actually 244, because for the last 4 years this country has been taken over by an idiot, a misogynist, a rapist, a thief, a fake Billionaire, a con man, a reality show host, a wannabe dictator, and most of all, a coward and a traitor.

In 2016, because of the idiosyncrasies of how the Electoral College works, this country elected a man that was not qualified to hold office. In fact, based on popular vote, Hillary (like her or not) won the popular vote and should have won the presidency, but because of the rules governing the Electoral College, she was defeated. Since this has happened, a man who has a history of demeaning women, cheating, lying, multiple bankruptcies, racism, and basically usurping all legal matters to gain power has been placed as the President of the United States… He did not win the popular vote, he took advantage of foreign influence to win the election, and since winning the office has abused said office for not just power, but for financial gain… The Republican majority over the course of the last four years have turned a blind eye in regards to his mismanagement of the office, his abuse of office, and his blatant attacks on those individuals, whether political or personal, that defy his authority.

Donald Trump is a cancer on this country, a tumor on the heart of democracy, and he needs to be defeated in November. I won’t pull any punches, nor will I pretend that all is ok, because the actions of this President speak for themselves, and the goal of not only this voter, but the actions of the majority of this country must do everything in its power to ensure that he will not see a second term. In recent months he has appointed a postmaster of the USPS that has ordered the dismantling of mail processing machines, removal of roadside mailboxes, and forcibly delaying the delivery of US mail in this country, so as to denounce the delivery of mailed-in ballots. He claims that mailed ballots are full of fraud, whereas every investigative attempt at mail-in voting shows that the amount of fraud due to mail-in voting is nonexistent, despite the false claims of mostly Republican members of Congress up to and including the President.

He’s scared… he knows his days in office are limited… he knows he is not popular, he is hated by the entire left, not to mention a lot of the conservative right as well. His poll numbers are dropping to epic lows that have not been seen since the Carter administration, and he is worried that he will lose the power that he has abused since being elected. He has abused his power, he lies every time he opens his mouth, and yet his followers will defend him because his racist views go along with what they believe. Donald Trump is the poster child of the modern-day Ku Klux Klan and he has every right-wing nut job following him to the bitter end, including David Duke to Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, and Rush Limbaugh. Let’s not forget Mark Levin, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, or most of all SC Senator Lindsey Graham. This asshole has the support of the most extreme right-wing of the Republican Party, and that is a recipe for disaster for not only the Presidency but for The Bill of Rights and the Constitution itself.

Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to the future of Democracy in this country, and if you cannot see it, well then you are either blind, or you follow him so closely that you have become a traitor to this nation. Most of my family support this man, and I have been criticized for not getting behind him and for supporting Democrats, just because I see him for what he is. The Evangelicals and the religious right support him blindly, yet his actions are totally against what Jesus believed in the Bible, he doesn’t support helping the poor, providing free health care to those that need it (Medicare for All) he doesn’t care about Veterans, and his “wall” is his Blackwater or Contra affair. The Wall won't work, most experts have said that the wall won't work, and to think otherwise is just plain wrong.

Fast-forward to recent events… Below is the timeline for when the first case of COVID-19 was discovered to when the Trump Administration declared an emergency:

January 9 — WHO Announces Mysterious Coronavirus-Related Pneumonia in Wuhan, China
January 20 - CDC Says 3 Airopots wil begin Screening for Coronavirus
January 21 — CDC Confirms First US Coronavirus Case
January 21 — Chinese Scientist Confirms COVID-19 Human Transmission
January 23 — Wuhan Now Under Quarantine
January 31 — WHO Issues Global Health Emergency
February 2 — Global Air Travel Is Restricted
February 3 — US Declares Public Health Emergency
February 10 — China’s COVID-19 Deaths Exceed Those of SARS Crisis
March 6 — 21 Passengers on California Cruise Ship Test Positive
March 11 — WHO Declares COVID-19 a Pandemic
March 13 — Trump Declares COVID-19 a National Emergency

It took the Trump Administration 2 months before declaring an emergency, and in as far as modern reactions to pandemics are concerned, that was about 6 weeks too long, and as most experts will agree, the delay in declaring an emergency was tantamount in the spread of the virus in the US. The US Government downplayed the virus, didn’t think it proposed a serious health risk, and avoided relaying the seriousness of the virus to the American people. This is irresponsible, this is borderline criminal, and those responsible for this delayed reaction need to be placed in front of an international tribunal and face charges. The entire timeline can be seen and reviewed here:

To date… the total US death toll from COVID-19 is 171,000 people with a total infection rate of 5.49 million. This amount surely could have been avoided had the administration taken the virus seriously as far back as March when the first warnings were provided. Instead, the “President” said it would go away by itself, that it was not a serious issue, and that the risk was minimal. this administration has been inept in its handling of COVID-19 and should be held accountable to the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19, simply because of their minimizing of the seriousness of the virus.

The Obama Administration left a pandemic playbook for the Trump Administration, a playbook they decided not to follow, and because of this 171,000 people have died due to the virus. this is not opinion, but fact and the link to the playbook is here:

As stated before, Donald Trump is a clear and present danger to this country… and anyone that denies this fact is part of the problem. I know a lot of supporters of Trump, I am friends with them on Facebook, on Twitter, and yes I have a majority of my family members that support him, so despite my love for them, no matter their political leanings, I am disappointed they continue to support this misogynist, racist, liar, adulterer, fake Christian, Abuser of women, and serial abuser of power. I prefer to look at them as blind followers of a man they worship, despite his shortcomings, and their blind following of the Republican Party, which is a mere shadow of what it was 40 years ago. This is the party of Nixon, who resigned in shame, the party of Reagan, who oversaw the creation of trickle-down economics, which saw the extinction of the middle class, and of the most drastic tax cuts in American history and created the income disparity we see today…

The Republican party, while in control of the White House or Congress, has been responsible for the increase of the deficit, the national debt, and the most lopsided tax relief in the history of the country… but to date, no matter what they have done in the past, they have never been more threatening to the history and future of this country than right now under a wanna-be dictator that says he wants a third term, will not go quietly should he lose the election, and most aggressive power-grabber in the history of this country. I will be voting in November to remove him from office, I support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for the Democratic ticket for President & Vice President of the United States.

Thanks for reading…

 4 years ago  

I wish I could upvote x1000

I am praying that America gets it right this time. But I would be lying if I didn't say I am so scared of the backlash. Either way, I predict a civil war in that country. Its so scary to me. I often question how we got here.

I agree with your post whole-heartidly

I fear a civil war as well Janelle, in fact if Trump loses I predict he will refuse to leave office and find some way of declaring the outcome invalid... less than three months to election day... please pray for the future of our country

 4 years ago  

Hi Scott, normally avoid anything political, but I have to say that Trump is already putting in place systems to ensure and rig the election.

He has already openly stated that if he loses it will because it is a rigged election -

One of the things Trump does is that he blames others for the things he is doing himself. Its a pattern and obvious to the rest of the world

From another countries perspective, we just cannot understand why he is still in power
America has lost all credibility with the rest of the world as a result of his actions and the fact that he is still there

Seeing people still supporting his behavior is a disturbing sight indeed.

If the desire was to divide the country , increase the wealth of the wealthy and alienate it from the rest of the world under the guise of being independent then this man has done an extremely excellent job

Hi Russell, I can't agree with your comment more... this election has the potential to test the very fabric of our republic... I have no idea what he will do if he loses... and frankly, I am beginning to believe that if he does lose, the Secret Service will have to forcibly remove him from the building come January 20. I pray the historic peaceful transfer of power will continue to be the better part of valor and we will not have an issue... This is the most turbulent time in our history since Watergate, and I honestly believe this transfer of power will not go smoothly... thank you or commenting...