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RE: Tokens On My Radar! | Getting It All Together... Part 3

in The CTP Swarm2 years ago

Okay, both of your offers sounds very fair but I'm either missing something or I'm getting a different amount of cards. So look this over & let me know Also for the cards I have listed (32) I believe that just 8 Hive is a fair price.


Radiated scorcher - 2
Lava spider
Radiated brute
Djinn apprentice
Angelic mandarin
Vanari scout
Hill giant -2
Goblin Psychic -3
Chaos knight - 2
General sloan -2
Carrion shade - 2
Shadow snitch
Silent sha-vi
Soul strangler
Life sapper
Supply runner
Disintergrator -3

Reward Cards - These 2 are rewards cards & I'm not sure if they are chaos or not
Pelacor Bandit
Gargoya lion -2

As for the 2nd offer I will also accept the 25 Hive for the three. This one was a hard decision for me being that I had 2 of those on my list to give my grandson. But he's only 13 and may lose interest along the way so I think you would put them to better use. I also thought about they are good cards to rent out, and 'Mother Khala' is a valuable card alone. But I've come to terms with it and accept your offer of 25 Hive for the three.


I'll accept your offer as written above.
The couple of extras are Diemonshark's, Disintegrator, Charion Shade and a goblin Psychic. You probably opened a new pack in the past couple of days.

I have sent over 33 hive.

I'm glad we were able to work this out. I have received your payment and will begin sending the cards immediately. Please bare with me as I have never transferred cards before. I like to know that I'm doing it right so I will start with Mother Khala & the other two, but on at a time. Please let me know that you received them so I don't worry. I don't know if you can send multiple cards or how many. but I'm always scared of thing getting lost in transit when you send a lot, so I'll be sending them 4 or 5 at a time to keep things simple for me. I will let you know when I'm done.
Please remember to let me know about the first three cause I won't send the rest til I know you got them.


I have sent Mother Khala, Bortus, & Matica Headhunter. Have you received them?


All done, let me know if you think I missed something, but it should be all straight. Enjoy!

Yes I believe we are all good. Thanks for selling the cards. I have already used Mitica Headhunter in a couple of battles.

Thanks for making the offer, if you hadn't I probably would not have taken the time right now, plus those hive came in handy.
Glad you're enjoying them!


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Sorry for the delay, I had to go pick up my husband from work. Sending the rest now.