[ENG-SPN] Ruins / Ruinas

in Photography2 years ago


They say that time, in the same way that it removes and grants, heals everything. But it is not entirely true. Faced with the barbarism of men, time ceases to be judge and party, to become a simple intermediary, sometimes sympathetic, but generally indifferent, who cares little or nothing about misery or beauty.


It is rather the poet, that everlasting romantic who always dreams of the impossible, who tends to become a sympathetic herald of piety and see, with monotonous languor -as my friend Verlaine would say- that time and oblivion, in the end, constitute a well-known association. avenue, whose business is to turn the beautiful into a bad dream.


Dicen que el tiempo, de la misma manera que quita y otorga, todo lo cura. Pero no es del todo cierto. Frente a la barbarie de los hombres, el tiempo deja de ser juez y parte, para convertirse en un simple intermediario, a veces conmiserativo, pero generalmente indiferente, al que poco o nada le importan la miseria o la belleza.


Es más bien el poeta, ese sempiterno romántico que sueña siempre con imposibles, el que tiende a convertirse en solidario heraldo de la piedad y ver, con monótona languidez -como diría el amigo Verlaine- que tiempo y olvido, al final constituyen una asociación bien avenida, cuya empresa es hacer de lo bello un mal sueño.


NOTICE: Both the text and the accompanying photographs are my exclusive intellectual property and therefore are subject to my Copyright.
AVISO: Tanto el texto, como las fotografías que lo acompañan, son de mi exclusiva propiedad intelectual y por lo tanto, están sujetos a mis Derechos de Autor.






Every time I see something like these ancient ruins
I wonder how many stories are in there?

How many lives were in there?
How many sad and good things happened there etc. 🧠

Taking into account the time in which it was built (12th century) and the centuries that have passed, I can assure you that it would take a lot of paper to be able to describe even half of the events that took place there.

Wow! Great photos. Interesting post about the ruins. Look very old...Nice place!

Indeed, they are very old, from the century. Thank you very much for your comment. Greetings

Hi Juancar, where were the photos taken?
(If you want to preserve the location I would also understand, sometimes it is better not to expose a lot amazing locations)

It is an old Cistercian monastery from the 12th century, which is located in a remote place in Guadalajara, in the municipality of Retiendas, Spain.

Thanks for the reply!

No worries. My pleasure