Insects in trees. Using a smartphone camera.

in Photography4 years ago

Hello friend steemit / hive everyone. On this occasion I would like to share some pictures of insects captured by smartphone cameras. I hope you like it.

I found this insect standing on a tree trunk. I do not know about the name of this insect. But it seems like a type of pest.

This insect has a slightly unique shape on the back. He looks very agile, but I still managed to take some pictures.



Only this that I can share in this post. I will share more in the future.

Camera smartphone xiomi redmi not 6 pro

Thank you for visiting and keep following me @rizasukma.


you just use your phone or there is any macro tool?

I only used my cellphone this time. Thank you.

Ini terlihat seperti monster,binatang apa ini.

Sejenis hama. Saya belum tau tentang nama serangga ini. Terima kasih telah memberi komentar teman.

Sangat keren.. Kenapa tidak menggunakan lensa makro?

Karena lensa makro sudah pecah. Terima kasih.

Really cool looking insect well done

thank you.