Update on the Cleveland church repair from two months ago.

in Photography2 years ago

A couple of months ago I posted on a repair day at a small country church that needed help.

About 20 people donated their Sunday to finalize the repairs that had been in progress for 6 months.

Here is a picture tour, as we finished touchups; and collected our tools.

The floor repair is solid, and we paid to have the carpet laid because it had to be glued down.

The walls had to be bleached to remove the mold, due to water penetration. We had the mold tested, and it was unsightly, but not a danger. Then it got two coats of paint.

This is the new sound booth:
They didn't have one in the old setup, so this has been a treat. It also controls the two flat screens up front that are also new.

This is the room where the tree came through:
This is the only wall we saved from original. The kids messages had to be protected.

This is the east side of that same room:
This is where we started work with a chain saw, to remove the tree itself. This is all new sheetrock, what wasn't directly destroyed was water damaged. This is new carpet here too. Billy arranged the financing, so we could pay for all this!

Their fellowship hall:
The least damaged part of the church, only needed some mud and painting.

Randy did most of the sheetrock work. He was busy for a long time!

The repaired entryway:
This one is a little deceptive, the entire area was trashed. The OSB floor got wet, and swelled; it could be stepped through! But it is solid now, with new carpet....

Their water fountain hadn't worked in years:
We put in a modern one, when the old one was not repairable. The new water cooler goes well in the new entryway!

The kitchen damage was age, and not a tree:
We rebuilt it anyway, and it is being used again for hot lunches after services!

The side door and porch need some love:
A new alarm on this door, and a little rail repair with paint; really brought this door back into use.

The front door was not closing right:
This church had been broken into through this door, and the alarm couldn't be set before repair. It now closes itself!

The entire front porch area was a mess, but it is clean and nice now.

They have been meeting for almost 2 months now, and they are still excited! Their small congregation has almost doubled in size, and it is all smiles there now.


It's really awesome to see the community come together to help out. God Bless America, man.

Some locals that came to help, joined the church; so they grew during the repair!


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Thanks for the curation! This was a massive project, and I'm glad it's finished. They are meeting now, and very happy with their new building!

I'm finishing the truck that I posted the transmission repair on, and will post again when it's done.

Can I sign up through hive? I'm run Linex OS, and can't download peakd. But I'd like to join you.

I'm moving towards homesteading as soon as possible, so there will be an unreasonable amount of diy happening soon.


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You're welcome @smithlabs.

BTW, it would be much appreciated if you support our proposal for 2022 so our team can continue its work!
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Thank you!

Still working on getting hivesigner or peakd working. But I've not given up....


Thank you. Looking forward to getting your support for our proposal 🙂⏳

Fantastic results from everyone's hard work.

I am glad this one is done! This was the biggest church project we have tried. It is rewarding to see this church back open again!


God says "Make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among you"

I have been in a number of places, where I can feel GOD...this is one of those places!
