For the sake of making splinterlands profitable, should the owners/managers of the game change their strategy?

in dPoll3 months ago

For the sake of making splinterlands profitable, should the owners/managers of the game change their strategy?

Greetings friends!

Splinterlands is one of the top game on hive blockchain. Now it has become a shit due to foolish strategy of its owners/managers. It has become highly unprofitable for the investors and players. Rewards are very low now and they cannot be exchange for money. So, they are worthless.

So, for the sake of making splinterlands profitable, should the owners/managers of the game change their strategy?

  • Yes.

  • No.

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  • Yes.

They are just selling their card packs at high price and giving nothing to the investors/gamers. What are we getting? Just a fraction of sps and some shit cards which are not tradable. !MEME, !PIZZA, !LUV, !BEER


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